chapter 10

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        A few day later, mikey has been discharged from the hospital but he still had to rest and cant do some hard work for some days. After invited mikey from hospital, izana and other ( kakuchu , kokonui and inui) bring out mikey to and restaurant and order some his fav food. He eat the food with happily. Then they went straight back to sano house but they stop by mikey's apartment for mikey's stuff for his work. That was first time for izana, kakuchu, kokonui and inui saw mikey aparment. Mikey ask they to wait at his living while he packing his stuff.  They were wandered around the apartment and a few time later, mikey come to they with the stuff and they straight went to sano house.
          A few time later, they had arrived to sano house and went inside and saw shinichiro, emma, senju , hinata , wakasa , teokami and other wait for they with present and big card said " welcome back and get well soon". Mikey was smiled as he shed tears as he was touched to see everyone close to him doing all this for him.  Then suddenly an knock  from the door and
appeared angry and smiley behind the door holding a gift for mikey.

Ran : what you two doing here?
Smiley : we heard that mikey had been dischanged from hospital and we decision to visit he.
Rindou: do other ( toman founding member) know about this?
Angry : dont worry, they dont know that mikey had been dischanged.
Mikey: thank you for the gift , angry and smiley.
Kawata twin : you are welcome, mikey.

    A few,hours later, the hour was late and the other excude themself and went back to their home. Mikey went to his bedroom and sleep. Next morning, he wake up and went to bathroom to wash his face and take an shower before went to eat breakfast. After breakfast, he went out to take an fresh air and suddenly an text from izana that ask he to come to tenjiku meeting place.  He arrived at tenjiku meeting place and went straight to izana and other.

Mikey: why you want to see me?
Izana: actually i want ask you if you want to take an break from gang now causes after what happend.
Mikey: yes, i just to say to you when you home but you had mention that.
Izana: so you want do during you break. You cant just stay at home.
Mikey: actually, i just think that  i want to travel while calm my mind for an while.
Izana: that an great idea but how about your bussiness?
Mikey: about that, my partner can handed the company causes all this time, he who handed the company when i not around.
Izana: is that so, so when you want to start travel?
Mikey: maybe 2 day later and i maybe just went back in 5 or 7 days later depend.

    A week later, mikey was back from his small holiday and went straight to meet izana and other at the tenjiku meeting place.

Kakuchui : welcome back mikey, how your travel ?
Mikey: great. I feel more relax after went travel.
Kakuchui: i glad to hear that.

     Then mikey take something from his bag and give to kakuchui and other. It was an set of souvenirs from the place that mikey visited during his travel. " thanks you, mikey" they all said. Then mikey excude himself to went to the bathroom to take an shower. Suddenly, there are an scream from bathroom. Izana and other run to see what happened and where they open the bathroom, they mikey was holding his arm and they saw there an scar and some wound on mikey body."what happend to you and why there so many wound on your body. Before this, there were no at there." izana said. Then mikey explained that during his travel at one of place he visit , he saw an gang want to hurt an boy. So, he went to save the boy with fight with the gang and during the fight, one of member want attack mikey with and Knife but luckly  the Knife just,slide his hand and he take out his gun to shot the member.

Ran: do you said an gun?!!!
Mikey: umm..., yes?
Izana: where and how you know to used a gun?
Mikey: i know how to used a gun before i become the leader of toman and do you all forget that i was an hitman ?
All of tenjiku top member in mind : i forgot about that. 😶😶😶😶



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