Not this one

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There was no time to see what kind of ridiculous flower Brett planted on him. 

"Kill him-" 

A screeching voice brought Eddy back to his senses. He raised his eyes in horror to see Brett zigzagging through the high ceiling, dodging all the shooting lights of curses from the death-eaters. Eddy quickly pulled out his wand.

"Bombarda Maxima!"  

A red light enveloped the room, blazing into a white hue. A gush of hot wind blew into Eddy's face as a whole dining room exploded in front of him, crumbling down to dust. Eddy flew away from the impact himself, hitting his back to the stone wall. 

"Brett!" Eddy coughed, rising from the ashes just as Brett swooped down next to Eddy.

"Come on! Get on the broom now, Eddy!" 

Eddy would have adored the true naivety of this badger at any other time but this was one of the verge-of-risking-his-own-life-stupidity. Eddy glared back at Brett with massive annoyance. 

"I can't. YOU need to get the fuck out of here while I bought you time." 

"Don't be stubborn. Do you think I flew all the way here with a magic tortoise just to let you befriend people who look like they haven't seen the sun in years?" 

"And do you think I did all that shit show in Hogwarts just so that you can come dancing your merry way here to plant a flower on my fucking head?!"

Eddy's voice hitched in surprise when Brett snatched his collar, dragging him close to meet the badger in the eyes. 

"We all know I'm not smart like you. I don't know politics and I don't know how to read rooms. But I'm going to follow you all the way to the dragon's asshole if that's where you want to go. So tell me now, and I'm not going to ask you twice, do you want to get on my broom or not?" 

There were sirens ringing outside. With this amount of explosion, there was no question the police were going to arrive here soon, muggles and wizards alike. 

Brett released Eddy's collar, tapping his shoes impatiently. Eddy glanced to his side to see the death eaters rising from the rumble, frantically using floo powder in the fireplace to escape. Between the chaos, Eddy saw Adele raising her wand toward Brett with pure viciousness in her eyes. 

"Expelliarmus!" Eddy shouted in alarm before Adele could spit out the curse. The wand flew out from Adele's hand, skittering to the far-end corner of the room. Just on cue, the fireplace, the only route of escape crumbled down at last from the lasting impact of the explosion charm. 

Eddy pointed his wand at Adele with sharp eyes, cornering her slowly. Adele raised her arms in surrender. 

" are thinking of killing me?" Adele smirked.

Eddy's wand was right in front of her face, shaking. 

The images of Brett almost losing his life at the tournament vividly painted themselves alive again in Eddy's brain.  There was nothing more he would have wanted than to kill her, right at that spot. 

"Go on, nothing can stop you here," Adele stepped closer to Eddy, pressing the wand tip to her head. "I can see it. You have it in you, just as your father, your grandfather, and your whole family did." Adele whispered. "You are one of us." 


Brilliant honey-colored light from Brett's wand hit Adele on the mouth and Adele slammed down to the floor, paralyzed and tongue-tied. Eddy, surprised, turned his head to see Brett with his wand raised in triumph. 

"...what was that ... sacrilegious spell?" Eddy asked slowly. 

"I invented it. Thought I might put it into good use someday. Do you like it?" 

"Ye- I mean, no. NO. Brett, you cannot invent a spell by yourself like that, it's dangerous-" Eddy cut his word short, almost toppling to the floor before Brett caught Eddy just in time. A sudden rush of relief flooded into him and his muscle felt weak and tired. Who cares about revenge? Death? They were both safe and that mattered the most.

"Are you alright?" Brett asked. 

"Yes, I'm...fine. Thank you," Eddy sighed. "Minus the flower. If you know the reverse spell, please do so before anyone comes here." 

"I like how it looks," Brett laughed. "I wouldn't even mind going to the Yule Ball with you like this." 

"I decline the offer," Eddy muttered. "But if that's where you want to go, I guess I have no choice." 

"What, you are going to follow me all the way to the dragon's arse too?"

Eddy could feel Brett's hand tightening around his. 

And Eddy knew in the middle of the run-down dinner table with a flower on his head and paralyzed death-eater on the floor, that things were going to be alright somehow. A new future picture unfolded itself in front of him: a small cottage with his own potions research room, Brett baking cupcakes in the kitchen, and a garden full of flowers. And this was all very much possible, if not more, with this honeybadger by his side. 

"Maybe," Eddy shrugged with a smile. "Only if you take me to the Yule Ball first." 

Not all Gryffindors are brave. Not all Slytherins are evil. Not all Ravenclaws are smart.

The same logic stands. Not all Hufflepuffs are stupid.

At least not this one.  


Author's note

Thank you for reading! 

If anyone's wondering, I might start a  new chapter of Enchanted (if I can think of a sequel to this) or I might start a new breddy fic soon! Hope you guys enjoyed this and I will be grateful to see you all at my next story too :) 

Be safe, be happy! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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