Unexpected dive

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"Wingardium Leviosa!"






Eddy buried his face into his palms, sighing loudly. If Eddy had a claw, he would have torn up his face, and this idiot next to him in shreds a long time ago. Brett glanced up at Eddy nervously, holding a wand as if it was a wooden club that he had no idea where it came from.

"...how many times did I say 'again' today, badger head?" Eddy muttered in an exasperated tone.

"uh - 86 times..."

"Now, what do you think my next word is going to be?"

Brett contemplated for a moment, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"hmm...get the fuck out?"

"You are correct for once, genius."


Everybody in the Slytherin common room knew Eddy was in a good mood today, which was a rare occasion. Eddy hummed quietly by himself as he sipped his morning coffee, enjoying a pale green light coming from the stone window. The Slytherin common room extended under the great lake, reflecting the underwater ecosystem. Whenever a strange mermaid creature swam passed by, Eddy was even cheery enough to wave hello.

It was Saturday, which meant he was free from the private tutoring session with the honey badger that was torturing him endlessly these days. Eddy stretched his legs on the couch, planning what he should do today. He was going to eat a nice brunch, write a letter to his parents, and walk to the library to read some new potion books. A perfect plan, just what he needed to get some steam off from his brain until -

"Hey, I don't think that's a mermaid."

Eddy mindlessly glanced up from his cup, almost spewing his drink all over the couch. A scrawny body was tapping on the window with a goofy smile, waving hi to Eddy. Eddy could immediately recognize who he was. It was Brett, diving, and swimming under the lake with yellow goggles and a swimsuit.

"Who is he saying hi to?" one of the students spoke out annoyed.

Eddy cleared his throat as he flipped the newspaper, trying his best to stay cool.

It's none of my business. I'm just a tutor. I was not assigned as a babysitter.

"Bruh, I have never seen anyone swim this far and deep into the lake."

"The water is too cold to swim in, not gonna lie."

"Maybe he is just drowning?"

"He looks too happy to be drowning."

"Let him just die," Eddy muttered.

"It's the time of the year when krakens search for human flesh. I do hope he knows that."

"-W h a t??"

Eddy instantly stood up from the couch at that remark, losing his cool. The coffee cup rolled to the ground, spilling its content on the floor. The students in the common room stared at Eddy, surprised.

"uh, yeah - it is their mating season and they crave that extra protein-"

Before the other Slytherin finished his sentence, Eddy was running out of the commons room in a panic.

"Brett, you motherfucka-" Eddy swore under his breath as he ran to the shore, spotting Brett's robe.

Eddy couldn't imagine what the committee will do if they find out the new student has been eaten by krakens. Possibly 5000 points off Slytherin and more? The committee asked Eddy to help this badger "adjust" to the new school life. Eddy was pretty sure eaten by a random water creature probably doesn't count as a good adjustment.

"Brett!!!!" Eddy shouted at the top of his lung.

From afar, Brett's head bobbed up to the surface to gain air. Brett took off his goggles, squinting to get a better look at Eddy on the lakeside.

"Hi, Eddy!!!!" Brett called out happily.

"Come back this instant! Right now!"

"Wat?? I can't hear you-"


"You can't swim right, Eddy? Ha ha -"

"-I'm going to make you regret the day you were born, mugglepuff -"

Eddy's sentence was cut off by a short scream and a swoosh of a tentacle that swoop Brett off from the surface. Knowing that it caught its prey, the long purple tentacles pulled Brett underwater in lightening speed.


Eddy ran into the dark water that was chilling to the bone.


Eddy gritted his teeth as he dived deeper, waving the light shining from his wand. From the distance, he could see Brett struggling with the kraken that was just opening its mouth for a morning snack. Eddy's entire muscle seemed to fall asleep from the sudden shock of cold water but he desperately swam closer, trying to get a better aim.

"Eddy-" Brett mouthed the word, losing his breath as the tentacles wrapped around his chest.

"Incendio!" Eddy shouted underwater, aiming a jet of fire to the monster. The fire burned the creature's tentacle, momentarily releasing its grip on Brett. Eddy pulled Brett out, frantically swimming back to the shallow shore. Panting furiously, they reached the ground before the kraken regained its composure, drinking at least a liter of the murky water in the process. An awkward silence passed between them as they just gagged out the water from their lungs.

"uh-" Brett pulled a strand of seaweed off from his hair, shaking his head dizzily.

"What da FUCK is wrong with you??" Eddy shouted angrily between the coughs.

"I was just thinking that a morning swim in the lake would be awesome..." Brett fidgeted with his fingers.

"The lake looks ominous from first sight. Are you out of your damn mind to just swim into it as if this is some random ass Australian beach? Do you have any IDEA how much trouble I'm going to get in if you get eaten by a monster?? How much explanation I will owe to the committee?? Are you here to destroy my entire career?" Eddy's teeth chattered as he spat out the words.

"I'm sorry, Eddy. I had no idea how ... dangerous it could be," Brett apologized in a small voice.

Eddy clenched his teeth, his lips a pale blue now.

"But...but it was a nice morning exercise, don't you think? I'm pretty sure it's good for your heart and circulation and all that-"

Brett's voice trailed off as Eddy's death glare bore through his eyes.

"I...I'm going to get the fuck out of your sight now?" Brett squeaked anxiously.

"A good choice if you want to see another light of the day."


When Eddy returned to the Slytherin common room drenched from head to toe, he was startled by a burst of loud laughter and clapping from the other students. The Slytherin students were eating popcorn, cheering as Eddy entered in a sour mood.

"We could see everything from the window, bruh."

"A proper gripping action movie."

"Do you want some popcorn?"

"Shut the fuck up," Eddy grumbled as he wrang the muddy water off from his robe, dragging his feet to his room.

Fuck everything. He was sleeping in today.


<Author's note>

What is your Hogwarts house? Just curious :)

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