Nobody except me

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Eddy has never felt so out of place, like an odd cabbage sticking out between a field of dandelions. Was that even a valid metaphor?

He was in a ridiculous green cape and a jersey, a classic quidditch uniform. There were students beside him stretching and while Eddy tried to follow suit, he almost tore his muscles just by attempting to grab his toes. His joints made a weird cracking sounds when he hopped from side to side. He was never a serious sports person and in regards to quidditch, he has only played it once or twice during P.E. Eddy knew he could have spent this jolly evening in the arboretum, collecting herbs for his new potions but, no, he was here in this dreadful place. And Eddy knew it was all because of that stupid badger. 

"Let's go to the quidditch tryout together!" Brett has been nagging him all week about this. 

"I have never met these people but I already dislike everyone in that tryout. Except you."

"I like you too." Brett has squealed. "But I want you to get some fresh air once in a while. All that humid basement air of Slytherin and potion fumes can't possibly good for you."

In the end, Eddy has only agreed to come just to shut Brett's mouth up. It was sometimes ridiculous how much this honeybadger had control over him.

"Eddy!" Brett ran toward Eddy when he spotted him across the field.

Eddy turned his head toward Brett to greet him, only to visibly cringe at the sight of the badger's broom. The broom was white, unvarnished wood with chips. There was a huge crack at the handle that looked like someone has punched a hole into it on purpose. Brown disgusting twigs were sticking all out of the places, glued to the cheap wood. And tapes. Loads and loads of tapes were covering up the thing (Eddy didn't know how to address this broom-like trash anymore), barely holding everything into places. 

"What is that...thing?" Eddy asked, raising his eyebrows.

"It's a 60 dollar DIY broom." 

"And you assembled this with sticky tape?" 

"The glue wouldn't hold, unfortunately." 

"I don't know what is more stupid at this point: you buying this shit for 60 dollars or you attempting to fly with this crap.  I'm not even sure if you can sweep the floor with it." 

"I followed the manual and it said it will fly," Brett insisted.

"Just keep in mind that I'm not in the position to save you when you're toppling off your broom like an Icarus." 

Eddy gave up on Brett's stubbornness and concentrated back on stretching his non-stretchable legs. A small hand tapped on his shoulder just as he called his own broom to his hand. 

"Wow...your that a real Nimbus 2000? Original model, right?" A student asked Eddy in awe.

The comment struck like a match across the crowd. Other students accumulated around Eddy, curious, and envious at the same time.

"Wow, the twigs are so nice. And the handle - damn-"

"I heard it's pretty rare to find the original model now."

Eddy couldn't help but blush, puffing his chest out in pride. He has gotten this broom for his birthday present a few years ago, back when he had ambitiously announced that he was going to be the best seeker in the universe (a kid's dream can be wild sometimes). His parent's expression of love was mostly out of monetary values and they didn't hesitate twice to buy this model as Eddy's first broom. Eddy knew he probably didn't deserve such a high-quality broom now since he barely used it but nonetheless, sweet confidence built up in his stomach. 

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