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In a small closet of a Defense Against the Dark arts classroom, there is a boggart living inside. A boggart is a shape-shifting creature that takes on the form of its observer's worst fear. There was a rumor between Slytherin students that nothing will come out from the closet if Eddy Chen opens the door. His cold, distant personality and lack of any emotion convinced other students that nothing can scare Eddy, not even Voldemort himself.

Thus, when Brett happily entered Eddy's TA office for his tutor time, he was puzzled to see Eddy frozen on top of his desk in a crouching position.

"What are you doing?" Brett asked, confused.

"That," Eddy pointed to the floor, squeaking in high-tone.

"Oh," Brett looked around, discovering a small dead cockroach in the corner. "It's dead, Eddy."

"Dead or alive, anything with more than four legs is banned in this office."

"You just made that rule up at the spot."

"I did, Brett Yang. Now I have no choice but to set the entire office on fire."


"You know what they say: if you see one, there must be thousands," Eddy shivered.


"After we burn Hogwarts down, we must move to a Nice New cockroach FREE school. Which do you prefer - Castelobruxo or Durmstrang?"

Brett realized, if there was one thing that Eddy feared, it was cockroaches.

"I think I can save you," Brett squatted beside the dead bug, scratching his chin.

"Yes, please, pick it up with a tissue and send it to space."

"I learned some simple transfiguration today. I'm going to transform this cockroach into a goblet, how's that?" Brett picked up his wand, concentrating.

Eddy's face turned white at the idea.

"No, Brett! That spell you learned is only for animals-"

"Vera Verto!"


Brett shut his eyes as a blinding yellow light filled the room. The magic of his wand reflected off from the cockroach, sailing across the room and punching Eddy in the stomach. Brett hit his back on the wooden door with such force that the lock on the door broke, shattering to the floor. When Brett opened his eyes again, dazed, he saw that the cockroach has disappeared from the room.

"Wow, Eddy! I succeeded-Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Brett screamed when he looked up at Eddy.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH-" Eddy screamed louder when he saw himself in the mirror.

Two long antennas poked out from Eddy's hair. Below the neck, Eddy's entire body was replaced by shiny brown armor with six hairy legs sticking out from the side. The wings on his back fluttered as Eddy screeched and toppled off of his desk.

He was a human cockroach from the neck down.


Eddy's eyes rolled back to his head as he fainted, with all his six legs trembling in the air.


"I put on a reverse spell but it will take about an hour to return to human form. Sorry, hon," Madam Pomfrey smiled in pity as she finished the spell. After Eddy blacked out, Brett has run straight to the hospital wing to bring Madam Pomfrey to the TA office. The situation wasn't too severe than Eddy thought since Brett's transfiguration was only barely successful. However, it was pure torture to stay in this state at least for another hour.

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