You didn't see that coming either

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Not all Gryffindors are brave. Not all Slytherins are evil. Not all Ravenclaws are smart. 

The same logic stands. Not all Hufflepuffs are stupid. 

But this one is. 

"Eddy, come out this instant and take your mails!" An anxious voice of his mother called out from the front yard. 

It was the first week of the Hogwarts summer break. It was awkward, waking up from his own bed. It was awkward knowing he won't be able to see Brett for several weeks. Not going to lie, Eddy was so used to having Brett around these days. That honeybadger has been chasing his tail all around Hogwarts, messing up his potions, messing up his charms, messing up his entire life really. 

Trying to maintain his cold-blooded image as a proper Slytherin, Eddy would rather throw himself to the Whomping Willow than to admit that he secretly enjoyed having Brett around - maybe will even miss him somewhat during the summer break. He was determined to stay cool about it at all costs, and maybe that was why this all spiraled into a huge mess.

"Edddyy....... you need to PROMISE me that you will write every day, do you understand?" Brett sniffled as they were parting at the train platform, yesterday. 

"And this is the millionth time that I'm telling you - I WILL WRITE. Don't worry," Eddy rolled his eyes, wiping the snot from the badger's face. 

"Make an unbreakable vow." 

"Brett, I'm not going to risk my life for some stupid ass letters. But I will write. Send me a letter whenever you miss me or need my help, alright?" 

Maybe Eddy shouldn't have added the last part. That badgerpuff always took things too literally at times. 

"What is it, mom?" When Eddy walked out to the front yard of the mansion, he immediately swore under his breath. "Holy fucking beard of Merlin- what the-" 

The garden was covered with flocks of owls. Their round unblinking eyes all turned to Eddy when he stepped into the lawn. White bird poops covered the bronze and marble statues that were standing there for centuries, polished and cleaned. One of the owls hooted happily as it waddled toward Eddy with a letter. 

Eddy snatched the letter from the owl's beak. 

To Eddy Chen. From Brett Yang. 


Eddy took another letter from the owls. 


Eddy rapidly flipped through one letter to another - reading the same squiggly childish handwriting that only belonged to the idiot Eddy knew so well. 

"Is everything alright, darling?" His mother asked. 

Eddy sighed, massaging the space between his eyes as he felt the impending headache. 

"Yes, mom. By the way, do we have any left-over howler at home?" 


Maybe Eddy shouldn't have written back too harshly on that honeybadger from Day 1. 

Brett. I'm having a hard time finding this obsession mildly endearing. If you spam me one more time, I WILL MAKE SURE YOU REGRET ALL YOUR LIFE DECISIONS LEADING UP TO THAT POINT DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME CRYSTAL CLEAR? TAKE SOME BREAK BETWEEN THE LETTER.

The red howler was sent to the muggle world in a jiffy. Eddy chuckled at the mere thought of Brett shitting his pants when he opens the howler, crawling under the table in fear when the howler screams and incinerates itself to ashes. 

Eddy didn't hear back anything after the howler though. The letter stopped, entirely. It wasn't likely for that honeybadger to sit on the grudge for so long. Maybe something happened to him in the muggle world? Maybe Brett needed his help? Thousands of scenarios played inside the young Slytherin's mind for the entire summer and it drove him crazy. On the last day of summer, Eddy has already packed most of his things for Hogwarts and his mind was already sailing to the great hall where he will finally meet the badger in person again. 

"Aren't you leaving a bit too early for school?" Eddy's mom asked as she stood by the doorway.

"I just want to have some time to unpack before dinner," Eddy shrugged as he checked the last of his books on the trunk.  

"You have grown so much," Eddy's mother pressed her son to her embrace. "I'll miss you, baby. Be safe and have fun at school," his mother kissed Eddy on the forehead, ruffling the younger's hair. 

"Alright. And...tell dad that I'll miss him too, will you?" Eddy stuttered a bit, looking down at the ground. Eddy didn't really have the chance to talk to his dad after the meeting at school. He didn't even see his father at all during the summer, actually. His mother has told him that his father was busy because of the new business but Eddy knew better. His father was clearly avoiding him since that day. It was a relief that his mother seemed to know nothing about what happened at school though. Or about Brett. "I'll write to both of you. Bye, mom." 

Eddy left swiftly to the train station after kissing his mother farewell. Just as his mother turned to return back home, she almost tumbled to the ground because something caught her feet. 

A rock? 

Eddy's mom scanned the ground, meeting a small tortoise with a letter on the front porch. Its beady black eyes stared at the woman as if to say hello. She has seen owls, cats, or rats but it was the first time she has ever seen a tortoise deliver a letter. Eddy's mom reluctantly checked the letter on the tortoise's back. 

To Eddy Chen. From Brett Yang. 

"I'm sorry darling, but Eddy has already left for Hogwarts. You will have to find him there," Eddy's mother softly patted the tortoise's back.

The tortoise sighed at that remark. Disappointed, it slowly turned away, beginning its endless crawl to Hogwarts. 


<Author's note>

The second chapter of Enchanted starting! :) Hope you guys enjoy it. 

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