Rachel's POV:
"Oh shoot. I forgot that the lifts are out of order, How am I going to get up the stairs now?" I groaned as we got into the block where our form room was. Unfortunately our form tutor was a media teacher which meant our form room was on the second floor and up two flights of stairs.
"The nurse keeps a pair of crutches in the office - I could see if she'd let us borrow those or there's the spare pair you left in the auditorium" Rosie suggested
"We've got 20 minutes till form starts. I wanted to be in there before everyone else. Can you grab my spare pair from the auditorium? It's quicker" I asked, wheeling backwards into the open space by the toilets.
Rosie came hurrying back holding my crutches and I took one positioning it and holding onto the stair rail with my other hand. I hopped up each step whilst Poor Lindz and Fran were left to haul my wheelchair up the stairs. Thankfully it wasn't too heavy , at the top of the stairs Rosie held me steady whilst I adjusted the seat pad and sat back down. We ducked into the toilets giggling as our form tutor walked down the corridor, she hadn't been in since November so she didn't know about my injury, we quickly touched up our make-up and then Rosie peered around the door "Alright the coast is clear , and there's no one in our classroom either" Fran wheeled me out of the toilets and sped down the corridor into our form room . Lindz being the artistically inclined one out of all of us, draw a very realistic looking bunch of flowers on the whiteboard and wrote underneath "Welcome Back Miss Winters ❤️"
We all sat in our seats giggling like mad cases and Lindz kept a watch at the door "She's coming. Get ready!" She ran over to us and we all plugged into our phones pretending to be watching something even though there was nothing playing through our headphones.
"Well this is a nice welcome back Girls" She shook her head at us and we all looked at each other giggling and somehow we managed to simultaneously speak "Welcome Back Miss Winters we missed you"
"It might be my first day back but I won't hesitate to confiscate your phones. Rachel can you go next door and ask Miss Patel for the homework sheets for Year 10 please and take these ones back I accidentally picked up the wrong ones" She placed a stack of sheets on the table and I leaned across to Fran and whispered "Let's see if she can notice what's up with me shall we?" I laughed and unlocked the brakes on my chair and wheeled to the front of the classroom, grabbed the sheets, unfortunately she was too preoccupied with her emails to notice my chair or the message on the board.
I wheeled next door and asked for the correct sheets and wheeled back to my own classroom. In the few minutes I'd been gone she had moved from the computer to putting something on the door "Excuse me Miss can I get through please" I winked at Fran and she fell about laughing
She turned around to move out of my way and I swear I heard her jaw hit the floor. She facepalmed "Rachel I have never known someone who is so accident prone as you. What happened this time, you weren't wearing that cast the last time I saw you were you?"
I wheeled back to my desk "You remember I got cast as Sandy in the school production of grease back in the summer? Well at rehearsals last Saturday I slipped off the stage and snapped my ankle in half" I explained sheepishly
She laughed at me "Rachel we need to buy you one of those inflatable Bubbles for you to walk around in"
Lindz leapt up and drew a quick sketch on the board , when she came away she'd drawn a picture of me in a Zorb with my plaster cast on . "Lindz you beast!" I whacked her with my planner
"Funny story Miss. Rachel had to have her ankle put back into place yesterday at the hospital and whatever they gave her made her loopy as a fruit loop- She thought it was a brilliant idea to come back and perform afterwards even though she was high as a kite on painkillers and medication" Fran smirked at me and I flipped her off.
Too much love will kill you
FanfictionAlicia Munroe is the oldest daughter of Sam Strachan and Connie Beauchamp. 6 younger siblings and a twin sister, life is about to get a whole lot more complicated for Alicia. This story follows the lives of Alicia and Her family