Quirk Asessment Test [Part 3]

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Mindi's POV

Praises were heard from all around me as Izuku had thrown the ball. Bakugou however looked so shocked I swear his eyes could pop out oh his head at any given second. Sparks emmited from his palms as he rushed forward, charging at Izuku.

"Wait, Bakugou-"

I ran after him, trying to stop him before he hurts him. I sure did like getting involved, didn't I...?

"Hey! Tell me what's going on!"

"Bakugou... Stop!"

I yelled, still chasing after him.

"Deku you bastard!"

Bakugou yelled. Shit. He was gonna reach Izuku before me. Suddenly a scarf came flying, missing me by an inch and wrapped around Bakugou, restraining him.

"What the- This cloth is hard!"

Bakugou remarked. Aizawa-sensei then gave Bakugou a small lecture about making him use his quirk so much and causing a scene. He then unwrapped his scarf from Bakugou.

"Whoever's next, get ready."

Aizawa said, walking away. Izuku quickly scrambled past Bakugou, back to the group of classmates. Bakugou looked so upset, hurt and anger both clearly present on his face...

"Hey Bakugou..."

I said walking closer to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. I wanted to know if he was okay.

"Don't fucking touch me. I don't need your pity."

He smacked my hand away and stomped back to the group of students... I sighed as I followed him. He really had built himself alot of walls. It's not gonna be easy to make him open up.

After that I couldn't completely focus on the rest of the tests. We did some sit-up ups and toe touches... It was pretty simple. Yet, I couldn't take my eyes off of Bakugou the entire time, he seemed so distracted and mad about something. I figured it had something to do with the situation between him and Izuku. What exactly was their past? I wanted to help...

As the last test concluded, I saw Izuku double over and land on his back. He looked so exhausted. It seemed like it was his first time ever using his quirk. Was he not used to it or something? I walked over to him, a look of concern present on my features.

"Hey, are you okay, Izuku?"

I asked as I held my hand out to him. He accepted it and I helped him up. He looked nervous and frustrated.

We all gathered around Mr. Aizawa as he was about to announce the results.

"Okay, I'll quickly tell you the results."

He looked so unamused by everything.

"The total is simply the marks you got from each test."

I really hope I'm not last, however I'm more concerned about Izuku. I looked over at him to see him shaking with nervousness. Crap. I silently prayed that he wouldn't have to be expelled...

"It's a waste of time to explain it verbally, so I'll show you the results all at once."

A hologram appeared with our names and ranks. Strange thing is, I didn't even look for my name. I was looking for Izuku's. My eyes landed on it, my heart clenthing as dread and sorrow filled me. He was last. I quickly scanned for my name aswell. I had came in 7th place. I looked over at Izuku, however before I could say anything Aizawa had interrupted my thoughts.

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