It's Here!

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Mindi's POV

Its been a week since the exam and the letter determining whether I got in or not should arrive today or tomorrow... I laid down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling as I felt the frustration build up again. I didn't tell my dad what had happened, I didn't have the courage. I failed him. I failed mom, I failed Kenji. Kenji... If you can hear me right now-

"I'm sorry."

I whispered in attempt to reach my brother that went missing when I was about 4.

Suddenly my dad barged into my room slamming my door open causing me to jump at the sudden bang.

"It's here."

He said.

"It's here?"

He nodded. I knew I was gonna fail... So, why am I still excited? Maybe I was just hoping my score would magically change and I'll go to my dream school.

I walked over to my dad and took the envelope out of his hand.

"Thanks dad, I'll let you know..."

He then walked out of my room, closing the door behind him. I sat down at my desk and opened the envelope to see a small gadget-thingy. I took it out and it suddenly flashed. I was surprised and dropped it onto my desk. A huge hologram popped out of the- projector, I'm guessing? I looked at it in shock. It was a hologram of All Might. The 1# hero. My eyes sparkled as he began talking.

"Hello there young Mindi. It is I, All Might, as a hologram!"

My eyes beamed at the recognition. He said my name!

"You passed the written part of the exam with flying colours!"

My excitement died down.
Wait for it...


There it is.

"You only scored 8 points on the practical, which I assume you would already know, is not enough to pass."

Fuck. Why was I hoping that maybe a miracle could happen?



"Defeating Villian Bots aren't the only thing we graded you on. Young, Mindi. You have a heart of an aspiring hero. You risked your life and your exam to save someone in need, and that already makes you a true Hero."

Tears rushed down my face. I vigorously tried to wipe them away but miserably failed as they just kept coming.

" Young Mindi, you scored 8 Villian points-"

" -and 56 Hero Points,  leaving you with a total of 64 points. I'm glad to announce that, Young Mindi, you passed..."

The hologram then disappeared. I sat there in utter shock.

" I-I passed?"

I repeated it because I still couldn't believe it. Uncontrollable sobs escaped my lips as I fell onto my knees.

I passed.

*Knock knock*

I turned my head and saw my dad standing im the doorway with a sad expression.

"I'm guessing it didn't go well?"

He asked, referring to my loud sobs.

"No... Dad... I did it. I passed. I'm going to U.A!"

I yelled, scrambling to my feet as I rushed over and jumped into his arms. He immediately hugged me back.

"You passed?! I told you, you could do it! You should believe in yourself more, Princess."

He smiled at me.

"I'm so proud of you! Say, how about we go out to eat tonight? We can go to your favorite restaurant and you can eat all the gyūdon you'd like!"

My eyes sparkled at the idea.



I'm trying my hardest to incorporate her backstory and character development into the plot of My Hero Acadamia. :)

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