Chapter 1: The Very First Day

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     As you walked down the winding path on your way to your first day of work, your black leather booties crunched the leaves across the pavement. You wore the new outfit you bought just a week ago for this day, and nothing was going to stop you. This job was something you've wanted ever since you joined the academy. Working your way up from a rookie, you moved through white collar task forces to elite units in the bureau. You were more ready than ever and your experience and work ethic never allowed you to doubt yourself or your capabilities.

     Sipping on the dark roast you picked up from the coffee shop near Quantico, you embraced every moment of your quick peace as the dark liquid touched your lip and danced on your tastebuds. You popped your earbuds in and listened to your favourite podcast, scrolling through your spam emails. This simple routine walk from your apartment to work was a small thing you took pleasure in. It was your zen.

     You greeted the staff as you walked past security when you entered the Quantico building, keying your code to the doors that lay past the first set. You were already familiar with the building, as it was somewhere you had worked for the past seven years of your life. You stepped through the elevator doors as it dinged and slid open, notifying anyone waiting. The elevator was relatively packed, but not by much. The team had just gotten back from their last case, so you were coming in late to meet all of them.

     You walked through the large glass doors, leading into the Behavioural Analysis Unit's bullpen. Up ahead past the grouping of desks, you walked toward the stairs leading to Unit Chief Emily Prentiss's office. On your way by the team, you smiled and gave a nod. You were familiar with almost everyone because of events held for federal agents as well as the elevator rides. After walking up the stairs, you passed the famous true crime writers, Supervisory Special Agent David Rossi's office. You peered through the open blinds at him sitting at his desk, and proceeded down the hall. Finally, you reached the right office with her name inscribed on the wood door.

     The door had been left wide open, revealing the Unit Chief sitting at her desk presumably filling out paperwork from their last case. You knocked lightly on the door, pushed your shoulders back and held your head high. You wanted to look the most confident you could, even though you had already gotten the job and worked with Emily before.

     "Bec," she greeted, getting up from her desk chair. "Great to see you again."

     "You too, Emily." You replied, as you walked towards her desk.

     "It's been a while," She said with a smile. "So we just got back in from our last case in Oklahoma, have you met the team yet?"

     "I did see everyone around, but the only people I know are you and SSA Rossi."

     She walked toward the door, looking back at you. "I think it's time you met the team in person."

     Emily smiled as she said that, which made your anxiety ease up. Her tone and the way she talked about her team indicated the trust she held for them. You walked along with her back down the stairs and into the bullpen. There you saw an empty desk close to the desks you were walking toward. You had presumed it would be for you, which you saw was much bigger than the one you had before.

     "Hey," she greeted them.

     Their chairs all turned in response, each of them looking over at Emily and then at you. A few of them shared a soft smile with you, and you took a look at each of them.

     "This is Rebecca Jareau, and she's the new addition to our team." She continued to say.

     Your attention along with everyone else's attention shifted to a petite blonde woman sitting in one of the desks closest to the empty one. She looked almost as if she needed to do a double take. Something was off, and you didn't know what.

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