Chapter 12: A Memorial

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     "I'm fine, JJ." You repeat again, setting your belongings down on your kitchen table.

     "I know you're fine. I just..." she replied, her voice trailing off.

     You wandered into your bedroom and slid the shower nozzle to hot. "You've been hovering over me since we left the hospital."

     Walking back to the kitchen where you had left her, you shot her a slight grin. She returned the look and ran her fingers across the surface of your table.

     "This is my place," you said. "I guess I had to show you it at some point. After a near-death experience was not when I was planning to have you over, but I guess it'll do."

     The two of you giggled simultaneously. "You have your humour back, I see."

     "Hey, what can I say, being at gunpoint does that to you."

     She helped put some of your stuff away while you showered the last couple day's events off your body. As the hot water slid down your dripped down your back, you scrubbed every inch of your body. You felt so dirty and almost as if the feeling of the Unsub's blood would never escape your pores.

     As twenty minutes passing by, you shut off the water and dried yourself off. With your hair wrapped carefully into a towel, you spread lotion all over your body.

     "Hey, I don't want it to sound like I'm sending you home, but don't you have kids?" You shouted from your room and crossed the doorway. "I mean, when I was out on a case, god knows that I didn't let go of Dani when I got home."

     She stayed silent for a moment and smirked at you. "Will dropped them off at school when we were boarding the jet. I was going to ask you if you wanted to come with me to pick them up"

     You pursed you lips and squinted your eyes in embarrassment. "I'm- sorry. I didn't mean it to be rude."

     "So...." She asked again.

     "Of course, I would love nothing more than to meet Henry and Michael." You confirm.

     She smiled wider while you turned on your espresso machine. With the humming and grinding of beans, you waited impatiently while it brewed. The two of you sat down at the table talking about both of your children. It was one of the best conversations you've had with anyone.

     Over coffee and much needed cookies, JJ looked at her phone for the time. You did the same, and the two of you got up and began dressing for the cool weather.

     "Oh, shit." You said, padding down your pockets. "I must've left my phone on the kitchen table. I'll be right back."

     You walked back through, and noticed your phone recieved multiple text messages. They all read from your parents, except one. You smirked and punched the air in excitement.

     As soon as you got back out of the apprtment, you were met with JJ. She bumped you with her shoulder and giggled.

     "What're you so excited about?" She asked.

     "Well, Danielle just boarded her flight from the UK. She's visiting for a little bit."

     "Bec, why didn't you tell me?" She replied, grabbing onto you and pulling you in.

     After releasing you, she remained with the same excited expression. "Well, it's a complicated story. But being so bittersweet, the only downside to her visit is that my- our father and my mom are flying out to visit as well."

    "Oh?" She replied, almost as if she were gauging your next words.

     "I wanted to tell you, but we're just getting to know each other, you know? I didn't want to sour the relationship or anything." You stated apprehensively.

     "Bec, you seeing your family won't destroy me. I know you love your family, and it's okay to. Even when you maintain a relationship with them. I love our thing we have going on here, and it's not just because we share the same last name."

     You puckered your bottom lip and let your expression soften. Linking your arm in hers, you walked side by side one another.

     Leaning your head on her shoulder, you let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, JJ."


     Waiting at the gates of the school yard, you and JJ made conversation. You needed to tell her something, and you didn't know if it would be digestible for her.

     "Hey, Jayje?" You said with hesitation.

     She straightened her back and stood back from the fence. "Yea, B?"

     "Something's been weighing on me, and I don't know how you'll react."

     "You know you can tell me anything." She stated.

     Sighing audibly, you tucked your hair behind her ears. "Well, growing up, Our father told Carter and I about these amazing stories of you and Roslyn as children."


     "Yea, dad told us all about you and her playing hide and seek, and building these fortresses where you'd dress up like princesses."

     "Peach and Daisy." She interjected. "She was Daisy because she had brown hair, and I was Peach because, well, I had blonde hair."

     "I just always had this picture perfect version of you two and how one day we would be this big happy family." You replied, reminiscing. "But when we were old enough to understand, dad told us what happened to Roslyn. How we couldn't be a family with you guys because of it. So it became like a memory that I felt like I lived through."


     You placed your hand on her forearm, noticing her eyes getting misty. "I mourned the loss of a family member that I knew you did multiplied, and from that moment my mind had been set on one thing. Two actually, but I digress. If I ever were to have children, they would serve as a sort of name sake for her. And so when I was pregnant with Danielle, my choice was clear. Danielle, because I've always loved the name, and Roslyn, after her aunt that she would never get to meet."

     Her watered eyes became full blown tears streaming down her cheek. She tried to say something but got choked up before she could.

     Your voice wavered as you pushed the words through your lips, "Danielle Roslyn Jareau."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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