Chapter 5: Explosive Past

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     "There's been a series of meth lab explosions in New York, Hell's Kitchen to be exact, throughout the past twelve days, all including the deaths of six people. The thing is, the victimology indicates no known connections between them or getting their hairs crossed with the authorities in relation to drugs." Penelope informs the team as she clicks through the crime scene photos.

     You bite your bottom lip while you flip through the case files on your tablet. "Why are we being called in for meth explosions? This neighbourhood has a high crime rate, including drug related crimes."

     "The M.E. wrote that she found signs of foul play aside from the explosion itself." Penelope answered.

     You flipped over to the pictures of the victim's bodies, the six photos showing partially burned bodies. Confused, you were about to ask a question before Jennifer cut you off.

     "Whoever burned them clearly didn't do a good job at what he was there for in the first place."

     "Or maybe, he killed them and then tried to burn them. Accept he only wanted them to burn in their last minutes of consciousness to inflict maximum pain." You commented, looking around the room at your team. "Slices up their abdomen and finishes it by setting their bodies on fire while their guts spill out onto the floor."

     Everyone in the room looked as if they were analysing and coming to the same confusion as you just did. You redirected your attention from their faces and onto your case file, as Penelope continued with the case details.

     "The Unsub's cooling off period is getting shorter, and we have about a day or so before he kills again." Emily announced as she got up from her chair. "Wheels up at 30."


     As you walked into the Manhattan police precinct, the team was introduced by Emily. She split the team up into pairs, you being with Tara, and directed to head over to the scene where the first explosion took place. As you hopped into the passenger side of the SUV, you checked your cell phone and put on your seatbelt.

     It wasn't more than five minutes into the drive when Tara started to talk about the case with you. You happily joined in to the conversation, contributing more minimalistic theories from the one you did before.

     "There's been no reported forced entry, but when you're cooking and selling meth there's no reason for the buyer to be denied entry." Tara said as the two of you sat in the city's traffic.

    "Right, if I wanted to sell illegal substances, even if I didn't want someone forcing their way through the door, my first response wouldn't be to reach for the phone and call the cops. I would go for an easily accessible weapon..." you replied as your voice trailed off. 

     "What connected these people to each other? What was it about their victimology that made them targets for the Unsub?" Tara stated her internalized questions as she thought out loud.

     Before you knew it, the two of you pulled up to the vacant lot which had been cleared weeks ago after the explosion. The house was in ruins with the frame still intact. When you walked up the property and past the caution tape, you stepped through the charred oak door. Tara was following close behind you, as the two of you remained quiet while you profiled the scene.

     "So, what is it with you and JJ?" She asked, sliding her hands through a set of rubber gloves.

     "What do you mean?" You replied as you put on a set as well.

     You kneeled by a partially burned picture frame which had captured the image of the Victim and a young girl. You checked through the side table that it had been placed on, finding nothing but remotes and wires in the drawer. As you ran your hand under each surface in search for any hidden weapons or drugs, this time you found a gun taped on.

     You held it up by the corner of the handle and dangled it in Tara's direction. "Isn't this what the government issues federal agents?"

     She stopped searching and looked back at you. "Yea... actually it is. Was there any record of the victims being tied to gun sales or having access to a federal agent's weapon?"

     "No," you replied, looking through the case file on your tablet. "I mean, it isn't uncommon for dealers to have connections."

     "Usually JJ embraces new team members, but it just looks like the two of you steer clear of each other. You both avoid eye contact, at that." She commented, placing the gun in the evidence bag.

     "The family room is clear of any other weapons or drugs, but I suspect that there are going to be plenty more hidden guns that the detectives missed on the first sweep." You said as you ignored her. "American rule of thumb; keep one gun in every room, especially if you're participating in illegal activities."

     Tara sighed and persisted. "What, are the two of you, like sisters or something? Jareau isn't an all that common surname."

     You stopped what you were doing, and stood almost as still as a statue. She turned to you and noted your reaction. You could feel her analyzing your body language and behaviour and let out a chuckle.

     "You and JJ, you're sisters, aren't you? I thought that she only had one sister, but she passed when JJ was a kid."

     You tried not to air out your dirty laundry by refusing to divulge any more information than what needed to be said. "I'm her half sister from our father's second marriage. But Jennifer wants to keep her distance from me, and I'm respecting that."

     "Bec, she's your sister. The two of you are a spitting image of each other and the drive and skills are identical."

     "Well, no matter how much we are alike, she's made it clear to stay out of her way." You nonchalantly replied, almost as if stating a mantra to yourself. "I don't want anyone to side with either of us, because at the end of the day I'm the newbie. That's why I didn't say anything. I just want to steer clear of her and give her time to digest the idea of me being a part the team that she's been on for the past thirteen years."

     Tara gave you an empathetic look and turned away. "I'm the Unsub and you're the victim. I knock at the door, I would work my way into the house by claiming ill purchase."

     "If I'm a target for you, then I wouldn't know that and let you in."

     "But when I let you in I turned my neck to grab the product..."

     "And, bang. I shoot you in the back. When I turn you to face me like you were found-"

     "I would have seen your face. It gets you off to see my fear, especially if you're someone I do know."

     You nodded at Tara and looked down at your phone to call Emily. "Let's deliver the profile."

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