Chapter 2: Extreme Avoidance

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     Following your daily routine of getting a coffee and then heading off to work, you enjoyed your second week at work. The team had been so welcoming that you were only left to wonder why Jennifer hadn't approached you yet. You thought about the detective work you did, and thought that maybe she did the same to you. Pushing off the thought like you regularly did, you made your way through Quantico and to your desk.

     You put your bag on your desk, and headed off to the coffee machine in a bashful manner. Hearing the angelic drizzling of the coffee flowing into the glass pot, you stared off into the bullpen while leaning against the counter in the lunchroom. You saw each of the team members arrive at their desks, many of them riding together. You noticed Emily in her office long before the team got in, even before you did yourself. Your attention was drawn to Stephen, who had excused himself to Emily's office, closing the blinds and closing the door upon entry.

     While you were studying each person's behaviour, you had realized that you were no longer the only one in the lunchroom. You turned your head to realize that Dave had ducked in to grab himself a cup of coffee. You moved out of his way as he reached for his cup out of the cupboard and a stir stick from the counter beside the coffee machine.

     As he added Splenda to the empty mug in anticipation of the brewing coffee, you gave him a grin. "Morning, Sir."

     "Agent Jareau," he replied, nodding his head. "How'd you like your first day here?"

     "Oh, it was uneventful. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's not usually like this, is it?" You replied, nodding his way. "And please, call me Bec."

     "Never, you just hit us on an easy day." He didn't even bother to turn to you while he snorted a bit followed by a small chuckle. "You and JJ... what's that about?"

     You were dreading this question, so you remained silent for a minute. "I'm sorry, Sir, but if it's okay with you I would like to figure it out for myself first."

     "Of course, I'm sure you guys will have tons of time to talk about it when we are on the jet to our next case. Or at the hotel, but let me make one thing clear; don't let it interfere with your work."

     "Yes, Sir." You answered, nodding your head again.

     You filled your cup and his with coffee, and started to head out of the room. But when you reached the exit, you paused. You contemplated the idea of asking him about Jennifer and her familial history.

     "Sir, can I ask you just one thing?"

     He threw the wooden stir stick in the trash beside the counter and grinned at you. "About JJ?"

     "Yea... I was just wondering about her sister, Roslyn?"

     He sighed, and stared at you. You knew you had struck a sore spot, even though you knew he never got the chance to meet her. All you wanted to do was to get to know Jennifer, and asking him was one of the ways for you to be able to watch your step around her.

     "I can't speak on that. But assuming you knew her, or know about what happened, you should probably be careful about how you discuss it with JJ. All I'm going to say is give her time. She'll come around." He replied after humming rather quietly.

     He walked past you, and made his way back up to the office. Now was your time to pull her aside to talk before a case came in. You back over to your desk, where she looked rather withdrawn but was still talking to Spencer. She stopped talking as soon as you got close and redirected her focus back on her work. You weren't frustrated but confused. You couldn't understand how she wouldn't want to figure out the whole situation and how being on the same team could possibly work.

     "Morning," you greeted them, waving your hand around.

     But before you could get another word out, Emily had walked out to the top of the staircase right outside of her office. She called for each of you to get to the round table immediately, as there was a case needing the team's attention. You complied, making your way over to the conference room and taking a seat.

     Tensions felt high in the room, but it only seemed to be emanating off of one person. You watched Penelope set up and click through the presentation as you sat there taking notes inside of your personal notebook. The case was a gruesome one, yet you were ready to start working on it. It was your first real case, and it wasn't something you were going to allow a complicated relationship get in the way of.

     "Wheels up at 30," Emily informed the team, as she headed to her office.

     Now was the time for you to talk to Jennifer. You need to know what she knows and clear the air before it interferes with your professional life on top of your personal life. You headed out of the room, following behind the rest of the team, and went for your desk. You saw Jennifer pull her things out, as did you, and head off to the bathroom. Following her was your chance to finally speak to her alone.

     Jennifer walked through the bullpen and through the doors of the BAU, with you in toe. She walked toward the bathroom and you followed closely behind. She looked over her shoulder multiple times, seeing that you were following her, which you managed to avoid eye contact with so as to not look like a complete stalker.

     When the two of you reached the bathroom, you let the door close behind you as you washed your hands. You peered over at her, realizing she was doing the same. Your stomach filled with butterflies, the anxiety of the whole situation eating away at your stomach lining.

     "Jennifer," you asked, turning to her.

     "What do you want from me, huh? Why are you following me?" She snapped.

     You looked up at her and then back down at the floor. "We need to talk about our father."

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