Chapter 9: A Relationship Under Construction

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     "We're friends, right?" JJ asked as she turned right at the red light.

     "Right," you answered cautiously, almost as if you were answering a question with a question.

     "Friends check up on each other when they feel that something's wrong."

     Not sure what she was getting at, you turned your head to face her. "I mean, I usually do."

     "Okay, good. I'm going to ask you something and I don't want to start any arguments or make you feel like you have to tell me anything."

     "You're scaring me," you replied with a giggle.

     "Is everything okay?"

     You were thrown off by this open ended question. "What makes you think that I'm not?"

     "I know you said that you missed Danielle, but the profiler in me is saying otherwise."

     You panned back to the road, wanting nothing more than to end the conversation. "It's not anything you've done, if that's what you're asking."

      "Then what is it, Bec? You've been acting a little off since this morning. I've never seen you act this way." She stated empatheticly.

     You got defensive and couldn't hold back what you knew would hit her where it hurt. "Well, if you made the effort to get to know me when I got here rather than flat out rejecting the idea of me, then maybe you'd know that this is the way that I act sometimes."

     She looked at you with a look of confusion which then turned into sympathy. Your stomach churned at the thought of her figuring out that this was about your parents. The stress of their constant overbearing attitude toward you and your brother was something you wanted to keep to yourself. That way, if it's your problem alone, then no one could pity you or give any unsolicited advice.

     "Listen, I know we've only just recently fostered the idea of our relationship as sisters. I admit, I've been tough on you, but even after a day of getting to know you... I care for you."

     You let out a slight giggle to lighten things up. "You call that tough? You wouldn't even look at me without looking like you were going to vomit in your mouth."

     She looked over at you, her smile forming to match yours. "I'm sorry I did that to you."

     The two of you laughed quietly, growing into a louder laugh. The sound of the two of you sharing a good laugh with each other mixed with the anxiety relieving roar filled the car. Before you knew it, the car was in the airport parking lot.

     "All jokes aside, I'm here for you, Bec." She said, sliding the gear stick into park. "No matter what."

     You reached over and squeezed her hand briefly. "Thanks, Jayje."


     Heading off to the hotel after a long day of flights and twisted crime inspections, you found yourself alone with Emily. Walking down the hall to your room, you rummaged through your pockets, trying to dig out your room key.

     "I don't know why I keep so much shit in my pockets. It's like I should've brought my purse." You remarked. "But then again, when I do bring one, I just end up shoving more in it than it should be able to fit."

     "You're preaching to the choir," she replied, all of the contents of her pockets in hand.

     You arrived at your room, Emily's to the direct right of it. She paused, causing you to do the same. She propped her door open after hearing the click of the electronic room key unlocking the door.

     "Come to mine for a second?" She asked in a softer tone than before.

     "Yea, sure." You answered, suspect of her change in tone.

     When the door to her room successfully locked from the outside's automatic lock after closing it, she walked further into the room.

     "How's everything going? Is the team welcoming you?"

     You smiled slightly. "You mean JJ?"

     She smirked. "I take the meeting at the park went well?"

     You smiled and nodded, almost as if underplaying it was the way to resist getting your hopes up.

     "What's going on then? Why are you so closed off right now? And don't even say it's nothing, because I've known you for long enough that when you get that look it's about Carter or your parents."

     You scanned the room, and stared at the floor. "My parents want to call a family meeting. And I bet it's about my father finding out that JJ and I work together."

     "You want to talk about it?" She asked sincerely, as she does whenever she doesn't want to pry.

     "Later. I'm tired, and I just want to get some sleep before dealing with another day in Florida."

     "Okay." She agreed, running her hand along the side of your arm. "See you in the morning."

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