Chapter 10: Hopeless Relationships

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     The buzzing and sound of high pitched ringing flooded the empty hotel room as you were awaken. In a panic you reached for your phone, frightened of the news you may hear from the other line of the phone. Your blurred vision prevented you from seeing who's name was displayed on your screen as you answered immediately.

     "SSA Bec Jareau," you groggily greeted.

     "Honey, Rebecca picked up the phone!" You heard your mother shout from the other end of the line, speaking to your father. "Rebecca, baby, how are you?"

     Stunned, you went for a double take at the display name. "Mom, I-"

     "Rebecca Courtney Jareau, you've been ignoring our calls." She stated with a sort of bite to her tone.

     You knew you were in deep shit at that moment. Your mother scolding you brought you back to your days of constant bickering and blowout arguments which always led to you leaving the family home in frustration. Too stunned to speak, you remained silent as you rubbed your eyes and sat up in your bed.

     "What on earth is going on? How come you've been avoiding our calls?"

     "It's nothing mom, I've just been really busy with work." You excused yourself.

     "It's because of that Jennifer, isn't it? God, I knew that your father's past would come back to bite us." She said furiously. "God, I just can't believe this is happening right now."

     "No, it's not." You replied again, trying to get your words out. "I just joined one of the most prestigious branches of the FBI, I can't drop everything every time you want me to come to Pennsylvania. I'm occupied with work, which you wouldn't believe me when I say that I've been working at least fifty hours a week. Let alone the fact that I'm on call twenty four hours a day."

     "Excuses, excuses." She stated, obviously not receptive to the words that just left your mouth.

     "It's five a.m., can I call you later?"

     "What? No, Bec, it's 6." She snapped.

     "I'm in Pensacola right now, I'm an hour behind."

     "I miss spending time with my daughter. Why don't you come home?" She asked.

     You didn't know how to react. "Is there anything else? I really gotta start getting ready, mom."

     The silence you once desired filled the line as you bounced up from bed. At this point, you decided to get changed and go for a walk. Your anxiety was overtaking you.

     "Danielle said she was coming home for the family meeting. If my granddaughter in England can make the trip to Virginia then you could afford to take some time away from the office." Your mother replied as her voice trailed off.

     You were about to respond, but backpeddled. "My daughter is doing what now? Mom, why on earth would she be coming to Virginia when you and dad live in..."

     "Yes, Rebecca, Danielle, your father and I are going to be there soon. We figured that if you wouldn't come to us, we would come to you."

     "When?" You demanded, your blood bubbling.

     "We're going to take a flight out late tonight and Dani will be there tomorrow afternoon. You should be home by then, so we decided it was best to book a flight and go before you said no."

     "Well if I did say no, it would be for good reason." Your voice was raised as you answered.

     "Like it or not, we will have this family meeting."

     You remained quiet and refrained from punching something. She didn't respect the unspoken rule that you didn't want surprise visitors, your parents nonetheless.

     "Listen, I don't know if I'll be back from Florida by tomorrow. But I need to go, I have to start getting ready for work."

     Before she could answer, you hung up the phone. You were about to call your daughter, but stopped yourself. You allowed yourself to calm down before you involuntarily berated her. It wasn't her fault, because you knew she would never take a flight home without checking with you first. Your mind went to how expensive the flight was, and how your parents either paid for it or made her spend her own hard earned money.

     After getting changed, you stepped out of your room and into the hall. No one was up just yet, allowing you a few minutes to breathe. Pushing the phone call and it's contents out of your mind, you made your way down the elevator. You looked up paths nearby and began a guided meditation. Something had to give, and it was not going to be your work.


     Walking out of the hotel building again, you were met with JJ, Emily and Tara. They were heading toward the car on their way to the police station. You jogged to the car, grabbing a ride with them. 

     "Morning," JJ said with a smile.

     You waved your hand. "Hey."

     As quickly as you got into the car, you arrived at the Pensacola PD. Being quiet the entire ride, you knew either of the three of them were bound to be suspicious. Who wouldn't, especially having two of them on high alert already.

     After settling in once again, you sat at the table in the conference room while you inspected each of the details of the case that was left behind as evidence at the crime scene. Suddenly, the silent room consisting of only yourself changed in atmosphere.

     "I can feel you staring at me," you abruptly stated, tilting your head with only one side of your face to her.

     "I don't want to pry, but I'm worried." JJ said, sitting in the chair next to yours.

     You placed your pen down on the table and glanced around the room. "My mom called me this morning."


     "Yea, exactly my feelings on that. I don't know how you feel about your mother, but mine is a treat, let's just say."

"Uh-uh. I get that." She replied with a sigh attached to the end of the sentence. "I love my mom, but when she calls my heart jumps up to my throat."

     You giggled as you leaned back in your chair. "They're coming to Virginia tomorrow afternoon for a family meeting, except they called Danielle at school."

     Catching a glimpse of the distressed facial expression JJ had, you knew exactly why. She hadn't seen your father in years, even after he left when Roslyn passed. You knew there were bound to be hard feelings there, which is why you didn't want to tell her in the first place.

     She reached over, grabbing a hold of your hand on the desk. Squeezing it tightly, she grins at you.

     "Can I meet her?" She asked with her voice breaking up. "Danielle, I mean."

     Smirking back, you use your other hand to place it on top of hers. "I would really like that."

     JJ pulled you into her embrace as you let a tear escape from your eye. The silver lining to this situation was this moment, and nothing made you happier than thinking of the family you were building for yourself and your daughter. She'll finally have a present, active family member who only operates out of love rather than keeping up an image.

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