Chapter 6: In a Past Life

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    After delivering the profile to the Manhattan PD, the team set off to the hotel for the night. But just as you were exiting the doors of the station, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. Expecting it to be your parents, you sighed and turned the screen toward your face. The call display was one that when you read it, you got butterflies. Your stomach felt like it was doing somersaults. You slid your finger across the bottom of the screen and held it up to your face.

    R: Hunter, it's about time you called.

    H: Bec, hey. How's everything going over in Virginia?

    R: Oh, it's great. I'm actually in New York right now for a case.

    H: The Big Apple sounds exciting.

    R: If you think meth lab explosions are a pull to the city, then I guess this could be home.

    H: Look at you, a city girl wherever you go. When did you fly in?

    R: Just this morning. We're just headed over to our hotel rooms now.

    H: It sounds like you've got your hands full right now, call me back later when you're winding down?
    R: Sounds great, talk later.

    You hung up, and as you did you saw Jennifer staring at you. You broke eye contact and got into the car and headed back to the hotel. You had to stop thinking about what she was thinking and focus on your work. You couldn't let yourself be distracted about what Jennifer did, and worry about how you were going to work your ass off to advance through this team higher up into the bureau.

    When you got back to the hotel, you found yourself walking toward your room with Jennifer walking to the room right next to yours. As you tapped your key card to enter your room, you glanced at her as you walked through the door. The slight acknowledgement was what threw you off, but you didn't make a big deal out of it. You called Hunter back and he kept you company while you got ready to go to bed.

    You thought about his smooth southern accent while you laid in bed, and how you would have loved to see him again. But before you knew it, you had fallen asleep while lost in your thoughts. The next sound your conscious mind acknowledged was the beeping of your cell phone alarm.

    Getting ready for the day ahead of you, you checked the notifications on your phone. You had a plethora of junk mail from the subscription services from local retail stores and a few from your parents. You rolled your eyes and let out a sigh, knowing that if they've taken to email, their contact with you was not going to come to a halt as you had hoped. You had plenty of missed FaceTime calls, audio calls and text messages as well.

    Giving in, you messaged the group you had with the two of them. "Hey guys, just been really busy with work related stuff. I'll give you a shout when I get a chance." You huffed and

    You got an immediate response, apologising for all of the calls and texts that they've been sending you. They voiced their concerns with the path they thought you were going down again due to your prior mental health issues, and how they hoped they'd see you soon. You brushed them off, knowing that you were struggling as they said. But this time it wasn't due to a case at all.


    Boarding the jet, you sat at the seat furthest toward the back of the plane where the kitchenette was. You took out your iPad and looked over your schedule for the upcoming few days. You knew you had to make time to see your parents, and your calendar was both crowded and filled with uncertainties. But just as you opened it, you heard footsteps up the steps of the jet. Expecting it to be Emily, you braced yourself for the commentary on the fact that you had been early boarding once again.

    You glanced up toward the entrance, and saw someone you never expected to. Quickly looking back down, the sound of her heels clicking against the floor gained on you. Looking up again, she had been heading toward you. Sighing, you knew you were about to be ignored or ambushed.

    "Can I?" She asked with her hand on the seat across from yours.

    You scanned the jet, and then made eye contact with her. You waved your hand and nodded, signalling for her to sit. A moment of silence passed as the two of you stared at each other.

    "I don't want to fight, Jennifer." You initiated, trying to sound the least defensive as possible.

    She tilted her head and then pushed back her shoulders. "I... don't know how to do this. I'm sorry for snapping on you a few days ago. It wasn't in character for me, and I just... I'm sorry."

    "Well, to be fair I don't really know what is in character for you. You never gave me the chance to." You replied as you pursed your lips together.

    "With you showing up and joining the team, it all just took me by surprise, you know? Like I didnt get a chance to process my feelings."

    You sighed, and tucked your hair behind your ear. "I dont know what to tell you. I know you were surprised, but so was I. I knew who you are generally and that we worked in the same building, but did you really think that I was some sort of mastermind for my parents and that I wanted to do this? I have been looking to get into this unit for the longest time, and I would even say that it was a goal of mine to work my way up. But I would never want to disturb anything good that you had going on. Even though you don't like me or want me to care for you, I still do. Nothing is going to turn that part of me off, but if you want to stay out of each other's way, I'll respect that."

    "Bec, I don't want you to leave." She blurted out. "As painful as this is for me, I still think that there is a chance for us to get to know each other."

    You sat there while those words rang through your ears and bounced off the walls of your mind. Not being able to believe the treatment you received throughout your time at the BAU, you couldn't wrap your head around this hot and cold behaviour. Not knowing what else to say, you remained silent.

    "Please," she said, reaching her hand out on the table between the two of you. "I need you to know that I'm willing- I really want to make an effort to make up for the way I acted before."

    "Okay. Let's give this thing a try."

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