Chapter 3: Short Fuse

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     "We don't need to talk about anything." She replied, grabbing a piece of paper towel from the dispenser on the wall behind you.

     "Yes, we do. We have to discuss how we're going to work together."

     "Why, because we share the same father?" She snapped again, heading to the door. "Just because you're my fathers daughter doesn't mean you're my sister. He left my mother after my sister killed herself because he was too weak to work things out like a real father would have."

     You started over at her from where you were standing, in complete and utter shock. She had this bottled up for years, so you didn't know why it surprised you that this was such a sensitive topic. You felt terrible for what your parents did, how badly they managed to mess things up. Though, never once did you defend their actions, especially with your father's history and his first marriage.

     "I know how much your sister meant to you," you said, stepping in closer. "And I know how losing a sibling and a parental figure could hurt someone. I won't excuse what my parents did or how badly our father reacted after it. I am sorry for what dad did."

     "No, you can't just come in here and expect to be forgiven for everything your father has done. I know your family is one small happy one, but it doesn't mean you get off that easily. He ruined my life. Roslyn's death wasn't his fault, but he was the one to blame for the aftermath. Him leaving was just another way of him hurting us again. Your mother was just the woman my father started over with. Just because you've been given everything in your life doesn't mean that you're automatically my family. That title is earned, not assumed." Jennifer replied, throwing the used paper towel in the trash.

     "Then let me. Give me a chance to be your family." You plead, as you clasped your hands together and raised them to your chest.

     "You know, I don't want to be your family. Frankly, I don't even have a desire to have you be a part of my life. My kids, my husband, my mother, my team are all the family I need. I was there for my mother when your father couldn't be. I've been fine without even knowing you existed, Rebecca."

     You puffed out your chest, letting your arms down and fall to your sides. "If you want to hate me for my personality, fine. If you want to hate me for what I've done, fine. If you want to hate our father, fine. But don't use the weak excuse of hating me for what I represent. I am not my mother and I am not my father the same way you're not yours."

     "You remind me of how much pain and hurt your father caused by leaving his family when it mattered that he stayed the most. You remind me that I still have a sister, but not ever one that I wanted. I never asked for your help and never planned on ever meeting you. To be honest, I was fine ignoring the fact that you existed in the first place. Roslyn was my sister, and she died. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have any more sisters."

     Those words struck you in a way you never thought words could. Your heart dropped, and your rage bubbled. How could she say those things about her own sister? You knew it was because she was mad at your father, but you never knew how much anger resided beneath what everyone described as a kind and loving person. You tried not to take what she said personally, but how could you not? She was someone you had come to want to get to know these past couple days of working with her, and that dream came crashing down.

     "Fine." You shot back at her, as you felt a tear fall from your eye.

     You whipped around, and rushed past her, still waiting at the door. She didn't come after you, nor did she walk out of the bathroom until you were clear from her view. You kept walking, and you never wanted to see her again. She was merciless to you, but just because she lost her sister didn't give her an excuse to say such heartless things. You furiously headed off to your desk and ripped your bag from your drawer, and headed off to the airport. The team looked at you in confusion, as they were all about to leave Quantico.

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