Chapter 1: And Then There Were Two

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The news came in. According to them, there is some sort of new black suited vigilante protecting Lake Mile; he showed up in the public eye after he stopped another heist. Now there are two people protecting this city. No one knows who he is, and it's up to a detective and his brother to find out who's behind the mask. But little do they know that the same... black suited vigilante, is a seven year old kid.

That one being me.

But before any of that happened, me and my brother had to investigate a case of a heist.

Six criminals. Advanced guns... VERY, advanced guns... Of course. Sooner or later, the villains needed to return to be a rival to the heroes.

The bullets went through the roof like someone's heart was obliterated, all for what? Money. Garbage that kills for money, unsurprisingly... But this garbage comes with weapons that haven't been seen in a long time since Sorz. He appeared and disappeared in my life like a blink, taking my parents with me, and thanks to him, I had to adapt. If there was an eighth deadly sin, it would most likely be love. It's a luxury, but in the end all it's going to do is tear you apart.

Fortunately, I don't have friends anymore. Except my brother, who doesn't listen to me. And after what happened later... He damn well should.

Where was I? Oh, that 's right. The crime scene. There wasn't much to say, except what I just said... And then I found a sphere. A strange looking black sphere with green handles on both sides. If my guesses were correct, it seemed to function kind of similar to a Subspace Bomb from Super Smash Bros Brawl. A game I should be playing right now if I had the fucking Wii.

But... What kind of bomb is this supposed to be, if it's supposed to make you explode? Unless you have a death wish, but no... It must have another function. Unless the one who developed this bomb was stupid as balls.

Anyways, I decided to hide this sphere under my father's former hat, being similar to a certain reporter of a 1970s supernatural show, and I put my hat on my brown hair. A cop came to me, and he told me "From what we could gather, there was this gang that were wearing hockey masks, and one of them seemed to have red wings and red hair" Normally, they would tell this kind of stuff to my older brother, but when it comes down to it, instead of opening a detective agency, he should have opened a restaurant.

"Understood," I replied. So I started to write on my notes "Hockey masks, red wings, red hair" I would have asked for more details, but Super Mario 63 is waiting for me back home, later I asked my brother so we could leave in the most polite way possible:

"Let's get the fuck out of here"

So we did, and we did it running. He said "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry I kept you this long, Mark!" and then he tripped and fell like a complete fucking buffoon, making his brown shirt and brown coat dirty as shit, I stopped, and came close to him. "I'm ok!" he said. So I resumed walking, and said: "Look where you're fucking stepping on, brother"

We returned back to our apartment, and we had what you could say is my sister in law was waiting for us. A sister in law that managed to seduce my older brother and make him fall in love. Normally, these types of women make my philosophy harder to follow, and run the potential danger of me getting obliterated on the inside. But luckily for me, she has a tattoo.

"How are you doing, Marlow?" (I know, ironic name) She asked while looking at my brother's dirty clothes, and petting his short brown hair, and later his white skinned face without looking at him. My brother started to blush, he closed his eyes and said: "I'm doing fine! What about you?" and then she replied... Look, I don't want to write this type of shit. When women use tattoos and involve sex, it just makes me gag. And I made sure she knew it, but enough about that. I went to my room, used my mouse to reactivate my computer, went to Newgrounds, and... It was nice to be home, to be honest.

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