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Okay so tbh for me this was the most important paragraph in terms for us both okay so this day so much happened for us well for me I guess im not sure that much for you but like then I was close with yoy obviously but I wasn't like that close yet like we both still spoke to other ppl but yeah anw we was talking how we usually did and like you was saying in dms smth happened w mbs and cus like you knew him before nd like u both didn't like eachother cus he was being weird w yoda and shi, but yh I think he went into the heat server or smwhere nd jus started saying hella shit I think nd like at that time I think I was playing a scrim or smth nd like I didn't kno but then u dmd me nd was like wanting to speak to me ab smth serious nd cus like idk I fwd u a lot I was like no game more important than this mf if she wants to speak to me ab smth I just left cus like whats the scrim gonna but yeah anw I think mbs called u that word w the W nd like the h nd like the ore like some shit from minecraft lisn the amount of minecraft I had to play w my cousin fully call me some pro explorer nd shi but yeah anyway you told me how u didnt like being called tha because ur dad says it when he's drunk nd then I remember reading thwt and was like oh shit its acc srs so I jus left it so you could talk w me without feeling like u was doing smth so yeah then you was telling me everything and like fully felt so bad for you because like you know when u know how some of it feels u acc r like wtff nd feel bad for the person because like no1 deserves to be going thru that regardless of everything so I was there nd just reading nd like I didnt wanna make u feel like uncomfortable w talking to me so I was like if she opened up with stuff that r important to her and her feelings, I will aswell because not fair that I wud know a lot about you and you wouldn't know anything about me so yeah I told you and like idk it felt like after I told you and you told me there was like a reason to keep talking to you nd like make u feel happy w life and happy w everything about life so I just wanted to speak w u and like make u see all the good stuff about life like sometimes I was a bit shit but like for me this day changed so much I think it was when my replies acc started becoming fast but honestly idk it was a feeling of like uno when you jus wanna keep them close and protect them for like eveyrthing it was like that i had some weird connection shit ion know how to explain like I just didn't wanna see u like hurt nd shi like tha ever again. but when I told you about sm of the stuff in mine nd u was there like comforting or like jus saying how its so shit nd u dont deserve it or wtv it felt like you know when sm1 relates to you nd like they understand what you're on about it was like tha and even before when we stafted speaking I still related to u bares but this one was acc like important so I jus was like this mf is acc slowly becoming eveyrthing I ever wanted and like im barely even controlling that, it was fully just falling into place nd like wasnt complaining about that. but yeah from that day on I just felt some bond w u i didnt feel w any1 else cus uno how I even said when I told you like I've never told no1 shit nd wudve never told nobody nd bc I told you i was like yeah she def like did some wizard witchcraft shit to be making me feel like tha because honestly before I just didn't give a shit ab any1 like tha if they was mad idk just let them stay mad because like they gotta come to me to fix tha but yeah anw eveyrhting was going well from then but oh yeah I remember the day it was July 12 and like this day I acc fully felt so badd for you bc like I couldnt do anything for you and like I always wanna help if sm1 is like in a situation nd shi like thw where its out of their control but anw because on that day it was England vs Italy wtv euro finals and like he was out and wudve been drunk when he came back so yeah u was like oh no my dads gknna be drunk when he comes home and like I was deadass hella concerned for you like once I heard it I was like yooo nah I acc felt bad like you know when u felt it aswl when smth happens to sm1 I felt like that then and like after a while u disappeared for a while so I remember msging if u was alright every like 10 15 or so minutes because idk the way u jus disappeared got me thinking like is she alrighttt is she safe nd everything so yeah kept asking idk I jus wanted to be sure even tho u wudve seen them all at the same time💀 but yeah so I kept asking and then after a while u came back and said to me the "im okay" and like honestly i saw it and was like nahhh I gotta know how she acc is because honestly if I just saw u say that then like say alr ima gts I fully wudve jus been there like yooooo is she acc alright like I swr down i wudve started spamming u in the night aswl to see if you was alright until u wudve woken up and seen it all but yeah so I was there and like I remember I jus was hoping that u wud speak to me so I cud try anything to make u feel happier or wtlewst more comfortable with me that u dont need to worry about like me saying shit or smth because obv u saw now how fake some people can be and how they can jus switch up because of sm dumb reason but yeah and then I remember you telling me and idk got me acc like how can I make her feel happier or wtv so I jus stafted speaking to u and like idk ibjus wanted to make u feel safe w me like idk u was so happy on msg then smthing happens nd like it just changes like ur still happy but didn't feel the same so I was like lemme try and make sure she doesn't feel any diff from before if anything ever happens so like from then on I jus kept trying to make you feel bit by bit that u was wanted loved cared for and had ppl around u that wud always make sure that you're safe and happy always so like im not sure if it worked thst well for you but jus know that even if smtimes i was shit at showing it I honestly tried the most to make you feel safe w me and like at home and jus know ill always be grateful that u trusted me w ur life nd shi

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