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23rd June. Trapstarz. 3 2 1 Countdown. basically this was the day that we first started speaking, look you went nd slapped me and I was like wsg bc like idk that shit be the best convo starters on god but yeah idek from the start there was smth diff about you because uno w most other people when they speak w sm1 they're always like hella dead and smtimes u dont kno what to say eni but like w u it was different cah we always cud talk about smth like non stop and lowkey mf wud be some fast replies so whenever I wanted to speak w u u wud fully always reply but me idk basically replying fast was like not in my vocabulary at that time but like ongod when I say it I was like yooo what pretty brown mf who can reply fast, is nice and ent boring like she's alrdy mine from that day
so like once I acc was like oh swear I like this mf a lot wss tryna become some fast replies to u but still was a bit shit at it at that time cus like I acc used to go out more and then at that point we both had a random mf each that we both was like oh basically them 2 r bare close w eachother so cant do anything like that because was jus respecting it cus we didnt know that we both didn't want them but acc wanted eachother. so yeah jus from that 1st day I acc alrdy knew that u was better than literally every other mf like literally all the mfs on the app wud be so deadd like they wud only talk about just cod and how like they got recognised by some guy with hella subs on YouTube nd sum shit like tf was that desp to get their ego boosted like listen the amount of times I had to hear shit from people saying like did uno bobbyplays knows who I am or sm next shit like I was jus there like its mf discord clout why do u care so much 💀 but w u it was jus different u was jus like a normal mf that played the game for fun and didn't acc care about fame on some app like I could just talk to you about like anything didnt have to be based on cod but you would still like talk about it and jus thinking about it right now like who would've even thought just from u slapping me and complaining about my sick convo starters that we wud be so far thru everything w eachother and all cus of some game 💀 omds there's acc so much shit that happened at the start that I'm jus realising properly now like when we used to go in rank together even if we would just be playing normally we wud fully be having a whole audience watching our every move and like talking about it, like some of them were even that desp to watch us they changed their names kn cod to watch so we couldn't see who it was and then started spamming us to come join so they could watch us do it in game aswl 😭 fully the amount we had people obsessed over our every move back then and still even now it was acc mad like we was there making ppl go emo because they wud see us both ranking w eachother instead of them and they cared so much about it loool. but yeah look none of us cared ab what they was on and we still jus played w eachother because like tf not gonna control what I wanna do like I just wanna play w this beautiful girl nd only her like dont know why they was getting pressed for but yeah back to what I was saying before from the start I knew smth was diff w u compared to most like im not even gonna lie it was prob the way how some mf didn't ever used to speak and like even tho i was always like speak to me smth about tha to me wasnjus like oh she dont go around speaking everywhere nd to everyone like most mfs do and that shi was lowkey like alrightt look basifally ill get to the point where she'll only speak to me and she'll wanna speak to me cjs like I was there wanting to speak to u for agess nd like here we r now and sm1s finally speaking to me. idk that was jus one of the things from the start that jus make u seem diff to me like it was also how u said u jus kept to urself nd u dont rly speak to hella ppl irl and shi bc like when I read tha I was like yeah tbh the same w me eni like ik most ppl they know me but in general I jus stay w myself because idk most comfortable nd like when u said it I was jus like yeahhh I fw tha because I see myself as almost the same and its jus like she basically the girl version of me except that I cant fucking read as much as u not at tha level yet maybe soon tho but dont think ill be able to read the crazy love ones u be reading. honestly tho on a real uno how theres hella ppl but idk when I spoke to u the first time it was like oh shes acc nice and like uno how theres hella of them girls that r jus loud like idk if they see themselves as like sm next model type shi when they be screaming non stop nd speaking so loud on purpose when u dont even know them like thw but nah u was just like a normal person like u cud tell tha u didnt base ur whole identity off of cod or like off of discord or smthing like tha I dont know to me shits jus attractive when they acc can speak like 1 to 1 on jus anything doesn't have to be deep but if they're able to acc speak about something for a while without it dying out it's like oh I fw u so basically come fw me aswl. then like look mf used to be like goodmorningg nd shi from the start then stafted saying oh how was ur sleep how was ur day oh what u doing and all of it and like unobwjen ur not used to explaining it ur jus there like oh it was good nd then u trh explain but u dont know how tha much it was basically me then but uno just the thought of it was acc so like mf cute nd shi got me there like basically if she's asking how my day was basically jus come lock me off right now I only want u because lisn uno when its like the simplest shit nd like the littlest things idk smrh about tjem it always hits the most because ur there nd u can acc jus talk about it nd the person acc wants to know and will listen to you jus talk about jt and like omds this was u almost at the start of talking to me yet u was fully treating me like i mean bares to u and i was jus like yooo ayt then lemme like love you some more because like hmmm. theres sm to sayyy and this was only from the first like 2-3 weeks of knowing you like i could go on for hours about it and thas why next chapter important for both of us

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