< XXIII-VI (1)

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hi so like theres a lot to say in this one but well start speaking from okay March 2020 so when corona just started this wss the point where my life was like not bad but boring ash. tbh cus of lockdown and everything I fully did nothing I wud wakeup play cod eat watch a show or smthbthen literally sleep and that shit wud be repeating for ages like I rah wudnt go outside unless it was for like 1am drives nd shit when the roads were empty cus that was the only fun thing to do but yeah basically mainly I jus played cod and like listen omds did uno I sweated the game out so much like thas where I met like raybay champi yousef nd sm mfs around that time I wud fully go play from like 8 - 4 because there was nothing to do like oh at one point i was number 1 on the leaderboards but not for
points cus thas long but for like most kills average in a game so yeah this was me just banging out cod for so long then like after a while I found out what comp and shit was so I was like oh swear lemme go play this free money nd shi at first omds thatbshit was lowkey the shit like I wud wakeup play cod nd make money obv wasnt as much at the stwrtbbut still was free monry in lockdown ok anw enuf of cod waffle idk thru this time life was acc dead idk I jus felt bored of it all and shit cus there was nothing to do nd like uno when I went back to schl for the first time in agessss in like September I was deadass some quiet mf like I stopped speaking nd ppl wud fully be like u good bro why u so quiet now nd I wud jus be like cba and shit like idk it wasnt as fun pissing about as before so yeah from there till literally agesss I was jus there sitting doing nothing saying nothing bc like didnt hit the same so I wud jus go schl come home idk do wtv then hop on cod and jus play till bored nd sleep like idk at that point I wasn't motivated like I am now to do shit because of smbdyyyyy changing tha so yeah I wud just do tha for ages fully from September till January I wud play it hella because idk outside aswl the mfs I wud knew wud jus be doing sm fkd up shit nd i was like dead thaaa ill jus chill here cba doing drugs nd like starting shit w ppl so yeah jus stayed and because like not tryna go become some next dumb mf nd want drugs always so yeah tha was me at home like idk since always I always speak to ppl like its rly easy I get along w hella ppl but tbh I find it best when im w myself idk my mindset is easily focused on me and improving me rather than giving all these other ppl attention because I know how fake half of them rly are when you can't see it so I just kept to myself a lot more when I started maturing and tha all. then idk from January to June I started speaking more nd more again but not to any1 tha I wasnt alrdy close w idk I jus felt like nothing hit the same like before and I felt like what I really wanted to do was focus on myself so as soon as summer hit got gym w my brother nd jus banged tha for the whole summer like lowk felt hella proud of myself thinking I used to look like tha and now I look like this and its only been a few months like not even close to what I wanna be like but still impressed at myself for being able to get there cus the amount of ppl tha started after me nd been going fkr ages nd look the exact same cus they jus fuck about non stop is acc bareee so idk im happy ab myselfff tha I didn get peer pressured or wtv by all of these lot nd can self control when I need to (lolll jus re reading thru this nd its literally proven again those mfs were high at that funfair thing but obv never doing tha so jus said no and moved on)

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