𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 4

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RINDOU'S POV━━━━━━━━》❈《 ━━━━━━━

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Around afternoon. I was sitting on a chair inside my little sister's room, as i watch her sleeping figure in silence.

The sight of my little sister's sleeping peacefully on her small bed. I felt myself forming a smile on my lips, that i rarely do before.

It's been an hours since rena fell asleep by playing with me, though i never get bored by just watching over her.

Uet it got me thinking about before we meet rena. Our life is just all about delinquent, fights, and club. Even though we smile during in fights, and most people could see how happy and enjoyed we were.

However, we never had experienced the true feelings of happiness and joy. Even though we still have complete parents. They never once gave us the love that me and ran deserves. And i didn't want rena to feel the emptiness that we felt before.

" Oi, rindou are you even listening?" A voice said, sounding irritated that interrupted my deep thoughts.

I looked up to see who it was, and found my one and only annoying older brother, seeming like he is getting stressed out of some sort of reason.

" Wake, princess already. She needs to eat" Ran ordered, trying to out her serious expression, yet i could tell he just didn't want to disturb rena from sleeping, knowing she might burst out crying if we did.

As soon as i let out an audible breath. I stood up from the chair and stared at rena for a second before touching her short and soft hair. Hesitating wether i should wake her or not.

 Hesitating wether i should wake her or not

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Guess this leave me no choice. I thought as i softly shakes my little sister's small body" Princess, time to eat now" I whispered, hoping she won't ended up crying.

Both me and my brother stared at rena's face, who slowly opened her eyes and look at us with her usual expression with no sign of crying that made us felt relief about it.

We formed a wide smile on our face, as i carried rena in my arms " time to eat~" I said, as i walked towards the kitchen, followed by ran from behind, who keep on sending rena a smile.

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