𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 19

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3RD PERSON'S POV━━━━━━━━》❈《 ━━━━━━━

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Sanzu and rena walked along the empty streets, while the young man listened to rena who is telling him how fun and happy she is being with her two older brothers.

The little girl's words show how she really loves ran and rindou.

Sanzu look down onto her face and saw her bright smile while she speaks non-stop.

" Dada ran and dada rinny is a very kind person. I wonder how they are doing right now?" Rena said as she look up the bright blue sky still having her smile.

" You know?" Sanzu spoke, asking rena that made her feelbconfused about his question.

The little girl diverted her gaze at him
" know what?" She asked out of confusion.

He looked at rena for a seconds and perceived how clueless she is about what exactly happened to her two older brothers.

" Your two beloved older brothers are in jail right now" sanzu stated without any hesitation restraining him.

Knowing that sanzu's goals is to manipulate the little haitani, inorder to use her against ran and rindou in the future.

Rena stop from walking and stared at sanzu with her shocked expression.

She clenched her fist tightly
" That's not true!" She yelled as she send sanzu a glare.

Sanzu let out a chuckle and went to patted her head in very gentle way.
" People who got themselves in jail doesn't mean they are already a bad person. I know you're older brothers are kind" He softly said. Smilling that could be seen in his eyes.

" How did you know dada is in jail? And what the reason?" Rena asked in desperation.

Sanzu saw her eyes were getting teary and felt how tight her grip on his shirt is.

" Let's forget about that for now. Let's just go and eat some chocolate parfait. Okay?" Sanzu asked, trying to convince the little girl.

Rena look at him for awhile and soon finally agree. Thought she couldn't get sanzu's words out of her mind. Asking herself wether he is telling the truth or not.

Rena grow seeing ran and rindou to be a very kind person. And would be so impossible for them to be in jail.

However, rena already trust sanzu. Despite his scary look, rena found him a very handsome man with such a soft kind personality.

Not knowing that it's just all an act.

" We are here!" Sanzu yelled in a very cheerful way causing rena to flinch.

She look up and found themselves being infront of the dessert shop.

Rena formed a very wide smile and suddenly forgot about sanzu's words due to how excited she is.

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