𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 15

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RENA'S POV━━━━━━━━》❈《 ━━━━━━━

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FEBRUARY 23 2006

My heart were beating with an unusually strong and fast rhythm.

Dada ran and dada rinny haven't went home eversince yesterday at night.

They told me they have to do something important with izana san. But until now they still haven't come home yet.

It was already night. I was staring outside the window, hoping to see my dada's car to pass by.

But it was all hopeless.

I had been crying since yesterday night. Crying that they might left me and never come back again.

But they wouldn't do that, right? After all, they love me.

" Sweetheart, let's go to bed?" My nanny suddenly spoke from behind me, making flinch for a bit.

I turned around to see her and syarted crying again.

I can't help it. Something might happen to them.

" Nanny!" I screamed running towards nanny and hug her legs tightly while i cried so loud.

She patted my head and kneeled down to my level.

" Don't cry, your dada will be home tomorrow" She said with such a calm and soft voice, trying to comfort me.

To be honest, it doesn't help at all. But I don't want to tire nanny.

She had been comforting me and tried her best to make me feel better just a bit. Even though she's fully aware only dada ran and dada rinny can make me feel better.

I look at my nanny and nodded my head as i wipe my tears off of my eyes.

Nanny carry me and layed me on my bed.

I supposed to feel warm from my comfy soft blanket, but all i could feel is coldness and loneliness.

" I just need to get something, okay? Go to sleep now" nanny said as she kiss my forehead like my dada ran and dada rinny do before.

I watched her left my room with her smile and cried silently again.

When i felt my eyes finally closing. I heard my door flung opened, revealing my nanny with sad expression.

I sat up on my bed and look at her in confusion.

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