𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 13

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3RD PERSON'S POV━━━━━━━━》❈《 ━━━━━━━

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" Does it still hurt?" The voice of the young man was the only thing rena could hear.

As she stared up at him with her usual calm expression. While sitting on her  purple comfy chair.

She doesn't show any hatred towards her two older brothers after getting her a tattoo yesterday. Instead she got curious, if her older brothers also feel the same pain she felt.

Rena shook her head in response.
" I'm totally fine, dada rinny" she answered, making rindou let out a sight in relief. Knowing that he's been so worried eversince yesterday.

Rindou stared at his little Sister's innocent smilling face. He was glad rena didn't hate them after what they did to her.

Ran keeps on apologizing yesterday and rena just smile like she used to saying it's okay, and she looks just like her older brothers because of the tattoo

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Ran keeps on apologizing yesterday and rena just smile like she used to saying it's okay, and she looks just like her older brothers because of the tattoo.

" Rena, you should hide this tattoo to others, okay?" Rindou said as the little girl saw him walked towards her with a pink long sleeve on his hands.

Rena nodded her head happily"okay, dada rinny" She answered cheerfully, making rindou to chuckle from her cuteness and changed her clothes gently.

" I'll be going at the living room, if you need dada rinny, just go there, okay darling?" Rindou asked as he pinched both rena's pink soft cheeks and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

The little girl watch her older brother, walked out of her room with such a warm and calming smile plastered on Rindou's face and wave his hand before closing rena's door.

As soon as rindou left. Rena lifted her clothes and look at her tattoo on the left side of her body similar to her older brother, ran.

She smiled to her self and jump off of her chair, as she got a feeling of wanting to see ran.

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