𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 32

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3RD PERSON'S POV━━━━━━━━》❈《 ━━━━━━━

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Ran and rindou were furious, seeing that they have to leave the fight early and need to bring their little sister to home.

"Let's go home!" Anger lace rindou's voice.

As he harshly grabbed the little girl's hand and immediately drag her towards their motorbike along with ran.l following them from behind.

The grip on rena's hand were tight and it's making her hissed in pain, however she couldn't tell rindou about it, knowing that she is scared to even speak.

This is the first time rena saw her two older brothers, stared at her as if like they're going to murder her.

Her body were trembling from fear. She keep her head Lowered down, trying to not burst out crying.

The three haitani's drove home quickly, without anyone letting out any words from their mouth.

But when they arrive at their house. Ran slam the door closed and stopped to look down onto his little sister.

"dada?" Rena spoke in very low voice.

"dada?" Rena spoke in very low voice

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She wanted to explain herself. She wanted to say that she didn't know it's a gang fight and thought mikey and her is going to meet just the two of her older brothers only.

However, rena abruptly closed her mouth when she landed her eyes at her older brother rindou. Who is sending her a death glare.

Rindou walk closer towards his little sister with his eyebrows furrowed in anger.
" when are you going to stop, rena?! Stop bothering us and mind your fucking business!" He yelled towards the little girl who is shaking from fear.

Rena tried reaching out for rindou's hand. "Dada" She called out and was about to kneel down to apologize but she was suddenly stopped by rindou who harshly push her away. Making the little girl to fell down on the ground.

" Don't you fucking understand it, rena?! Stopped calling us dada! How many times do we have to repeat it for you?! Everything changed already! Can't you see it?!" Rindou yelled...

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