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━━━━━━━━》❈《 ━━━━━━━
DECEMBER 25, 2008

Years passed. Rena still haven't used to live without her dada ran amd rindou.

She cried all day and night, and the only person who is able to make her happy is no other than her best friend Haruchiyo.

He was by her side when her mother scolded her for some stupid reasons.

He would always picked rena up to just escaped school and not even once she got scolded by doing that.

For the fact that sanzu would threatened every teacher who dare to say something to rena's mother.

But despite all of the happy moments rena spend with sanzu. It's still doesn't compare to how happy she is when ran and rindou is around.

Everytime rena feel her head hurts. Non of her parents would give a bit of attention and care. She have no one but sanzu.

Her nanny had been kicked out of the mansion by the Haitani mother, saying that rena don't need a nanny anymore, since she's already old enough to take care of herself. Even though she's only 7 years old that time.

And now, rena's 8 years old.

Like usual, she sat across her mother, who is eating her breakfast silently while scrolling through her phone.

Rena waited for her mother to greet her a happy birthday. Even though she's fully aware her mother would never do that.

Rena look down onto her plate as her body trembled due to fighting back her tears.

She grabbed the spoon to the side and started eating her breakfast.

" Mom?" Rena spoke. Calling out her mother in very low voice, without giving a single glance at the woman.

The woman took her phone away from her face and diverted her gaze at her daughter who is looking down onto her food.

She raised her eyebrows and waited for rena to speak.

" It's my birthday today" Rena mumbled, forming a small smile on her trembling lips.

The woman let out an audible breath and rolled her eyes at her daughter.

" What do you want? Throw a party for your stupid birthday?" The woman irritatedly asked.

Rena's smile disappeared as her grip in her spoon tightened due to how scared she is.

She look up to her mother and gave the woman a smile with her eyes closed.

Rena already expected this from the very beginning.

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