𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫

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3RD PERSON POV━━━━━━━━》❈《 ━━━━━━━10 YEARS LATER

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Walking inside a private garden. The man with pink hair went inside after the guard let him.

He walk in the middle of the tress surrounded him with a lot of flowers that could be seen everywhere.

The pink haired man sucked a deep breath of cold air into his lungs and sat on the grass in front if a grave, as he putted down the paper bag that full of dorayaki.

He formed a wide smile on his face that he only wear whenever he is in this place, as he put his hand forward, touching the name in the stone with his long, slender fingers.

The man closed his eyes and feel the cold wind blow through his face along with the petals of the purple hyacinth flower that planted, surrounding the grave.

" It's been a while" Sanzu said while admiring the name that written on the stone. The named 'Haitani Rena'...

" Koko and mikey couldn't visit today, since koko is now working in his own company while mikey just opened his grandfather's dojo..." Sanzu explained, while playing to an old paper that his one and only best friend gave to him years ago.

" I brought your letter you made for me. Because i still haven't read it since  i know to myself, that i couldn't handle the pain this letter will cause me." He said following by his chuckle and slowly opened the letter that he's been terrified to read.

╔═════════ ≪ •❈• ≫ ════════╗

April 16, 2008

Dear, haru san

Thank you for everything haru san. You're very important person in my life. You're not just my best friend, but also my older brother and a savior. Thank you for always being by my side when almost all the people i love turn their backs on me.

Where are you now, haru san? You and the others stopped visiting me for days now, and i decided to write a letter for you. So if you read this, please visit me already along with mikey san and koko san. Because i miss you so much>.<

Please bring me some dorayaki, okay! I still can't go out the hospital but maybe i can tomorrow!! I'm so excited to get better soon! And hangout with all of you along with my pretty dadas!

That's all! Please visit me already, okay?

Ren ren

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