30. ASAP

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"Dada... Where's Jungkookie hyung?" Taemin asks with a pout.

Taehyung and his children are sitting quietly in the living room of their house with a deafening silence which was, luckily, broken by the little boy. He's been missing the brunette and his sweetness. Nayeon visibly flinches at the question. Taemin is right. Where is Jungkook? She's been so troubled by her own demons that she failed to notice that the world has been tumbling around her. And it is tumbling by her fault.

She's becoming more and more aware of that as she looks at the poor state of her father, his pale face, void of emotions, deprived of sleep and happiness. It intensifies when she looks at her brother's teary eyes while he mentions the man who used to be their loving stepfather... his slumped shoulders and sad pout; Taemin looks like a wounded, dying animal. His then bright smile and sparkling eyes are now dull as a moonless night sky.

She's slowly losing herself in dark, endless routes towards realization. Her family is broken again, but this time, it is her fault...

"Nayeon... Why are you crying?" Taehyung asks weakly. "Why are you crying?"

"Dad, where is Jungkookie oppa?" She asks in return.

"Why do you care? He's not here anymore. Isn't that what you wanted!?" He spits coldly before instantly regretting it when he sees the way she flinched.

"I know I messed up Dad... That's why... That's why I think you should commit me to a mental institution. I'm no good for our family." She sighs.

Strangely enough, she shows no sign of sadness or cattiness. She seems remorseful yet determined.

"I'll become someone better papa, I promise. I don't want to see you and Taemin in such pain anymore, you are all I have. And to be honest, I kind of miss Jungkook too. I really don't know why I did that, it's just... I couldn't control my anger... I'm sorry."

There she is, Taehyung's sweet, smart, precious gem; the beautiful little girl he gave life to. He's feeling so emotional right now, he stands up and walks to his daughter to give her a bone-crushing embrace. She starts weeping in his arms but it's okay, these are liberating tears, after all, they are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

"Taemin, don't think I have forgotten about you. Bring your lil' butt here. We're going to find Jungkookie okay? I promise. We'll make it up to him."

















Jungkook is now at the entrance of Hanmaeum Hospital. His heart is thumping and his emotions are all over the place. That's it, he's going to see a doctor and take this whole situation in hand. He is not your typical damsel in distress waiting for somebody to save him, no. He will live the life he wants, with new goals. He will fight and beat this cancer's ass.

Mark these words: this is the birth of a new Jungkook who knows his worth. No one is ever going to make him feel any less of himself. He is determined to live his best life, thanks to Aiko and Akemi. He is handsome, smart, kind and... Well, scared.

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