15. Prank

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See, Jungkook isn't stupid. Yesterday, only Taehyung and Jiho really cared about his birthday. Let's say that Jungkook knows his mother and his brother damn well. And if they wanted, they could've perfectly sent a fucking Happy Birthday text themselves or even call him for the matter. As they always used to.

For all of his past birthdays, they would wake him up singing happy birthday. Or whenever he hadn't slept at his house, they would call him and sing him happy birthday first thing in the morning. He noticed the change this year. Same goes with his ex bestfriends who didn't even bother to say happy birthday to him.

Why is Jungkook so upset about it? Why doesn't that pang in his heart go away?

Times change and so do people. What is there to do? Adapt.

Also, Jungkook does believe that people can change positively. To him as long as one shows willpower, one can totally change for the better. Efforts are enough. That's what he tells himself when he sees Nayeon and Taemin bringing him his breakfast on a tray.

They put it carefully on the flat side of the king sized bed and stand in front of Jungkook like there is something they want to say.

Taemin elbows his sister expectantly.

"Erm... We... We're sorry for acting spoiled yesterday. Especially me. And we ruined your birthday so yeah... We cooked you breakfast to make it up to you. We asked dada about your tastes to make sure you love it. And that's it." Nayeon says half-heartedly.

Jungkook just smiles and giggles at her efforts. He finds it cute.

"It's okay let's forget about that. Thank you for putting efforts into this beautiful breakfast. Do you want to eat it with me?" He suggests.

"No thank you Jungkookie hyung! I already ate cereal! This is all for you!" Taemin beams.

"And I'm not hungry for now." Nayeon says.

"Okay then make sure you eat at lunch please." Jungkook tells Nayeon.

She nods and gets out of the room followed by her little brother.

"I am honestly very shocked you came up with that idea. I thought you hated him?" Taemin says utterly confused.

"Well it took me the night to reflect and question myself. Things always look better in the morning. Now shut up and let me watch TV, ass-licker."

Teamin pouts and turns around to go back with Jungkookie hyung since his big sister is being so very mean. When he approaches the parental bedroom, he hears dry heaves and heavy short breathing. His eyes widen as he hurries into the said room.

"J-Jungkook hyung!!" He screams as he runs to him.

Jungkook's face is red, swollen, he is on the ground, shaking and trying to hold onto whatever he can.

"O-oh my God NAYEON!!!" The little boy calls with teary eyes.

No answer.

"T-T-T-" Jungkook tries to call the boy

The air is being blocked out of his lungs and he is trying hard not to panic. He rises a shaky arm and points at his bag.

Taemin, who understands immediately runs and grabs the bag.

"W-what do you want in the bag?" He asks trying hard to understand Jungkook before he passes out.

"I-I-n-Inha-l-ler" Jungkook chokes out weakly.

"O-okay please hold on Jungkookie hyung don't die on me!" Taemin pleads with a shaky voice trying to find that inhaler real quick.

Once it is done, Jungkook lays limp on the ground, blinking slowly as he is on the brink of passing out.

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