3. Turn Around

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Seokjin and Hoseok state the progressive change in their friend. For the past nine months, Taehyung's face has been brighter each time he joined them for their daily meeting at the café. They are overjoyed to see him get better day by day. His eyes hold a sparkle of hope which they thought they'd never be able to light back up. Thus, they feel so thankful for whatever improved his state of mind. They already have an idea of who might be the reason for this though: none other than that much talked-about 'Jungkookie' he has- indeed- been unable to shut up about.

Taehyung barges into the café holding an expression torn between nervousness and utter excitement. Also, he looks particularly handsome and elegant today. To his older friends, it seems like he actually made the effort to get all dressed up, which makes them smile proudly as they watch him get closer to the table.

"Who you tryna impress in that attire huh?" Hoseok asks teasingly.

"Guys. It's today!" Taehyung squeaks before clearing his throat with rosy cheeks, to compose himself after the ridiculous noise that just escaped his mouth.

He sits down in the booth with a thud and a stressed sigh.

"What's today?" Hoseok answers clueless.

Seokjin whacks his head.

"His date with Jungkook, dumbfuck. He's been piercing our eardrums about this for months now. Remember?" He reminds the absent minded younger.

"Oh right! Damn, the day has finally come!" Hoseok exclaims.

"Guys I don't know what to do, I am so fucking conflicted now. What if she finds me unattractive in real life? Or what if I make a fool of myself and embarrass her? Or worse! If I fucking stank and I have no idea!?" He panicks as he proceeds to smell himself all over.

Seokjin shakes his head and pats his back to calm him down while Hoseok just snickers.

"There is absolutely no reason any of that would happen okay? Just breathe and repeat after me: I am stunning and determined to slay this date with Jungkook."

"I-I... Am stunning a-and d-determined to- t-to slay this d-date with-"

"I-I-I" Seokjin mimics Taehyung mockingly. "Bitch- did I stutter?" he scolds him.

"You gotta sound confident dude. You're not gonna slay shit with that." Hoseok adds.

Taehyung takes a deep breath to settle his nerves down he then swallows his saliva nervously and tries once again.

"I am stunning and determined to slay this date with Jungkook." He says with a hint of burning excitement in his eyes.

"There you go. Now shoo shoo the fuck outta here and don't forget your balls when you are in front of her." Hoseok smirks.

"Yeah whatever." Taehyung says as he leaves the two laughing males and makes his way to his car.

Jungkook is devastated. He obviously lost the challenge. His heart is way too weak to handle Taehyung's constant flirting over the past months and his undeniable beauty. However, his pride -of course- strongly prevents Jungkook from admitting this. So he acts unfazed through texts but here is the issue: how is he going to hide his attraction to the older in real life? He was never good at acting and hiding his true feelings, despite the numerous attempts to practice such an ability.

Him and Taehyung are to meet for the first time today. And Jungkook is most definitely a mess. In order to calm his raging nerves, he has been pacing like a mad man all around the house earning weirded out glances from his family.

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