8. Finally

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Jungkook is lying on a bed with his head on a big comfy pillow and his whole body sweaty. He is panting and visibly trying to catch his breath. After the morning quickie, (which occurs around 4 times a week after Taehyung takes his kids to school and before he goes to work), Taehyung went to have a shower.

It's been a year now.

For a year, Jungkook's routine has been consisting in : getting fucked, being taken to dates, flirting with Taehyung, getting to know him further... And as months pass, his heart breaks a little bit more. But he is still hoping that Taehyung will make his mind about being his boyfriend. Taehyung steps out of the bathroom all refreshed and ready to go to work.

"See you tonight?" He asks Jungkook as he puts his jacket on.

"No." The latter simply answers.

Taehyung, who did not expect that, turns around with a confused face.


"I don't feel like going on a date today..." Jungkook says sadly, trying not to let the lump in his throat make his voice sound shaky.

"Please Jungkookie. Tonight I made a reservation for both of us. I actually have a surprise for you so... Pretty please don't turn me down..?" Taehyung begs softly with a cute pout.

And as expected Jungkook gives in. Even though he rolls his eyes at the older's behavior, a small smile slowly starts decorating his face. How could he resist someone so irresistible?

It is always like that. Jungkook succumbs to Taehyung's marvelous charm and finds himself unable to resist him. Whatever the situation is.

"Okay then..." He agrees shyly as Taehyung pecks his forehead and heads out of the hotel room.

"I love you..." He says once Taehyung left the room for good.


"Seriously you still haven't given up on him? I'm not even in your shoes but I'm fucking sick and tired of this relationship." Jimin says as he is munching on some potato chips.

"I know but tonight may be different, he told me he had a surprise for me!" Jungkook says with enthusiasm.

"Yeah still... Don't get your hopes high. I'm just telling. I don't want you to come back on full crybaby mode because I quote: 'Taehyung still hasn't asked you to be his boyfriend.' We never know." Namjoon says as he scrolls through his phone.

"Yeah plus aren't you tired of getting fucked? He visibly goes hard on you. I mean... The way you limp every time is just-"

"Shut up Yoongs! He needs it. The poor man has been depressed, stressed out and sex deprived for two whole years! So I find it normal to help him please his natural desires. I am his future boyfriend so I have to take care of him. And I like it too anyways. So whether I want to keep it going is up to me and I want it." Jungkook says with a hypnotized smile and rosy cheeks.

He checks himself in the mirror in readiness of his date.

"Yeah we got it Kookie but what we are trying to say is... You should consider your own feelings a bit more. We know that this situation is hurting you and... You are not an object. You should tell him to fuck off if this keeps going on. Cause it sure looks like you are being taken advantage of." Jimin argues.

"No- he loves me. I know it. It's Just complicated..." Jungkook justifies.

"Kook... You've been using that bullshit ass excuse for way too damn long!" Yoongi argues.

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