1. iDate

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"Nayeon! Put your beanie and jacket on, it's cold outside and we're gonna be late!"

"Taemin, for the umpteenth time, leave the cat alone and put that damn plastic dragon in your toy box! Oh, Lord have mercy."

Taehyung sighs while running around in order to prepare his children for school.

"Okay kiddos. Grab your bags. I put your lunch boxes and after-school snacks inside them. Also, what are Daddy's rules concerning school?" He asks as they step out of their grey and beige small detached house to hurry towards Taehyung's space gray BMW X6.

"We must listen to teachers!" Taemin says excitedly.

"Yes! And we must be polite, say: hello, please, thank you and goodbye!" Nayeon adds as Taehyung is making sure their seatbelts are fastened.

"A-an' we must tell the teachers if someone bothers us!" The little boy completes.

"Yup! Now, what is the most important rule...?" Taehyung trails so his kids start to recite the golden rule together.

"Avoid conflict at all cost!" The children say in unison.

"Good, my babies. Appa is proud of you. Come on, let's go now." He says enthusiastically as he turns the music on.

They start singing and dancing along. For the past year, Taehyung has been trying to keep his family together despite the terrible event which took place two years prior. Even though the father and his kids love each other unconditionally, something is clearly missing in the Kim household since the mother died. As a single and widowed parent, Taehyung tries his best to keep up with such a lifestyle even though his essence as a human being does not allow perfection. He keeps trying to make his children's life perfect despite his own lacks.

"Bye Daddy!"

"Bye Dada!"

The siblings chirp before heading out of the car and joining the other kids in front of the school gates. Taehyung watches with a loving smile as they join their respective group of friends. He is the proudest dad. His children are so beautiful and strong. Just like their mom used to be.

He remembers how happy he was when she first gave birth to Nayeon, their beloved daughter. She was so pretty that she didn't even look real to the young couple. To add to her undeniable beauty, she has always been smart and advanced. Her father likes to call her his 'little gem'.

Then, two years later, her little brother Taemin was born. Just like his older sister, he inherited his parents' marvelous looks. He has been a real ball of sunshine as soon as he got out of his mom's womb, enlightening his whole family with happiness. He is a playful boy with a big, powerful heart and a glimpse of mischief and goofiness. His father likes to call him his 'bright rascal'.

Taehyung met Irene in a library. The clumsy young woman was reaching for a book situated in the highest row of a bookshelf. As she jumped to grab the book she wanted to read, she somehow ended up making all the others fall. As the books were about to hit her head, Taehyung, who happened to pass by, saved her by quickly pulling her aside. This resulted in her falling over him. They stared at each other more than they probably should have and a deep attraction started to kick in. Needless to say that their beautiful looks played a huge role in this.

Following this day, they got to know each other and arranged to meet at the same library often.

The library meetings turned into dates.

The dates turned into an actual relationship.

They eventually moved together and created their own little family after marrying each other.

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