18. Other Level

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"I'm home!"

"APPAAAAAAA!!!" The kids run to him and hug him tightly.

Nayeon starts crying.

"I-I missed you so much daddy it was horrible without you!" She whispers in Taehyung's ear.

Jungkook smiles as he watches from afar, deciding to leave some space to the reunited family.

"Am I gonna get my hello kiss or..?" Taehyung asks Jungkook who seems reluctant.

"There you go." Jungkook says as he pecks Taehyung.

"So how was your business tr-"

"Dad. I have to show you something. Come on! Let's go into my room!" Nayeon says as she drags Taehyung upstairs.

Taemin follows them because he missed his father so he clings to him. Jungkook decides to go get some fresh air in the garden. He sighs and looks at the sky.

'I feel out of place. Did I make the good choice? Is Karma getting back at me?' Jungkook thinks.

After half an hour Jungkook decides to go and see what is happening since everyone is still in Nayeon's room. He knocks lightly but gets no answer. He therefore decides to open the door ever-so-slightly to see them looking at some edited movie about the memories of Irene, Taehyung and the kids. He closes the door and scurries off to clean the house in the meantime, in order to let them have their own time and privacy.

Taemin fell asleep. Nayeon and her dad are still looking at the memories movie.

"Dad you know I thought Jungkook was a nice guy. But this weekend without you was just horrible. He kept screaming, hurting me for no reason. Plus I have a very weird sensation about his relationship with Taemin. I don't know I have that insane vibe when it comes to him and Taeminie. Did you see the pictures I sent you?"

"Yes and I'm sorry darling but they lack context. Jungkook would never do that. And I thought you liked Jungkookie what happened?"

"I don't know when you went to your business thingy he started getting super weird." Nayeon says.

"He told me that everything went just fine thought."

"Maybe he didn't want you to worry but I can assure you that it was nowhere near fine. All we did was cry and get hurt."

"Hm how about you have some sleep? I'll talk to Jungkook."


With that Taehyung gets out of the bedroom and goes downstairs, where Jungkook is watching TV.

"Uh.. Hi?"

"Hi, why so awkward?" Jungkook asks.

"Well I don't know I have the feeling something is wrong actually. How was the weekend to start with?" Taehyung asks not so innocently.

"W-well it went good we played, we cooked, watched movies-"

"You know I see right through your lies Jungkook. I know you more than you think."

The younger sighs.

"Ok I admit there were some complications but... It's okay they're kids after all."

"Yeah I figured... So what do you think about Nayeon and Taemin?"

"Well Taemin is a really good and cute boy. A-and Nayeon is very... Smart and pretty." Jungkook stutters.

Taehyung sighs.

"Jungkookie why didn't you tell me the truth?" He asks softly.

"I didn't want you to feel bad or stressed out about this." His boyfriend sighs.

"What happened this week-end? Tell me."

"Oh not much, your kids are really clumsy so they got hurt a lot and so did I, heh. Also there were little tantrums but nothing extreme. We were able to spend such good days together in spite of that."

"Oh gosh what happened to your hand? And why are your feet bandaged too? You got a busted lip- Jungkook what the hell?" Taehyung whisper-yells noticing the state of his boyfriend.

"Calm down. I was just a clumsy idiot. I burnt myself with a baking pan while making cupcakes and I dropped a glass and my feet got cut. About the busted lip... I just fell really hard while trying to play with the kids. Nothing major."

Taehyung kisses Jungkook.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't think this week end would be that tiring for you."

Jumgkook feels so nauseous.

"Are you alright Kookie? You look so pale!"

"I-I'll just have some rest it'll be okay."

"Okay let me get you some tea so you can relax. Then we'll cuddle. How about that?"

"P-perfect." Jungkook smiles weakly.

Taehyung carries Jungkook to their room then he goes downstairs to prepare some tea. His worry for his boyfriend is slowly rising. There is definitely something Jungkook is not telling him. How is he supposed to handle that without hurting anyone?

'So after I told you everything you still act lovey dovey with that clown? I see how it is. Let's take this to a whole other level then.'

Nayeon thinks as she gritts her teeth at the sight of her dad cuddling and kissing his boyfriend better.

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