6. Intentions

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It is now 1 am. Jungkook wakes up naked. Sore. Cold. He soon jolts up in realization. Last night, he got dicked down. Very hard. In the heat of the euphoric moment, they got freaky and went on for rounds and rounds before passing out from exhaustion. This intercourse was more than refreshing and beneficial for the both of them.

Jungkook experienced good sex for the first time, it managed to make him forget about everything. Even if Taehyung was pouncing on him nearly inhumanely, Jungkook could feel hints of what the older truly felt towards him whenever he would hold his hands, look at him with soft eyes full of adoration or kiss him wholeheartedly.

However now that everything is done, Jungkook's mind is flooded with questions. He feels so lost. He stares at the ceiling while questioning all his life choices. Suddenly he hears a groan. Taehyung is waking up.

The first thing Taehyung sees is a boy. A very cute one who's staring blankly at the ceiling with a pensive pout. He smiles in adoration but he feels a little bit cold. He looks down and realizes that he's naked. He then recalls... The restaurant, the waiter, the kiss, the confession, the hotel and... Jungkook's tight hole. Holy shit. That's what one would call a good fuck. He feels... Fresh and... Happy? He looks at Jungkook with a big smile.

"Hello there... How was it?" He asks the younger.

"Well... it was literally breathtaking, to say the least." The younger answers with rosy cheeks.

Taehyung chuckles.

"Hum... I was thinking about asking you something." He says shyly.

Jungkook's heart flutters. Right now he is 100% sure that he is going to be asked out by Taehyung. He really wants to be Taehyung's boyfriend. At least that's his romantic vision of the current situation.

"Well what we did was so... Liberating and it made us feel good. Do you agree?"

"Yes!" Jungkook answers all smile.

"So... I was wondering if you'd like us to... Kind of agree on meeting each other just to do that for now." Taehyung suggests clumsily.

Jungkook's smile falters as he looks at Taehyung with anger.

"Fucking dick." He says while getting up angrily.

He stomps into the bathroom, making his plump ass cheeks jiggle. Taehyung stays dumbfounded at first but then he gets up and hurries towards Jungkook.

"What? I don't see the problem! We're not in love with each other but we have a great sexual connection!" He tries to convince the younger who's already dressed and ready to leave.


That's right. Jungkook does not know how to respond to that. Yesterday he actually did lie and told Taehyung he's not fallen for him yet. So he understands Taehyung's point of view. However the truth is... knowing that all his crush seems to desire is his body still hurts like hell. Is his natural self not interesting enough to be Taehyung's actual boyfriend ? Anyways. His sensitive ass is still so very offended by such a suggestion.

"Did you read my description? If I remember well it says that if you don't want a serious relationship then skip my account!" He scolds as he pushes Taehyung out of his way to get out of the room.

However the older grabs his hand.

"Jungkook it's not like that. I don't want to lose you."

"Well I just don't want to be used!" Answers the mentioned one. "So tell me your intentions."

"I- look. As you know I have children and... it is going to be hard for them to get used to... This-"

"So what?" Jungkook cuts in.

Taehyung frowns, annoyed by Jungkook's answer.

"It does not mean that you can use me as your personnal side chick!" The younger rages.

"But it is not my intention I swear! Calm down and listen to me!" Taehyung finally argues.

Jungkook thus complies after casting a nasty look towards Taehyng. "Proceed."

"Well as I told you, we're not in love yet.. So why not do as I said while I try to talk to my kids about our possible relationship? And in the meantime, we could get to know each other further..?"

"We've been getting to know each other for months. Six to be more precise. Why not just be boyfriends and hide it to your children for now?" Jungkook retorts.

He feels like Taehyung's trying to hide another reason behind the whole 'sexfriends' excuse.

"Ok. All of this is fucking scaring me that's why!" Taehyung finally admits.

Jungkook stays silent with wide shocked eyes. All of this is... Scaring Taehyung? How?

"What are you afraid of..?" Jungkook asks hesitantly.

"Of falling in love all over again ! I'm so fucking lost, confused and scared. I lost my wife two years ago. She died. And bibbidi bobbidi boo! Alone with two children and 3 broken hearts to mend! Let alone a whole family to carry on my shoulders! So understand, dear Jungkook, that I am not in the best situation. On the one hand thousands of thoughts per second are circulating in my head. On the other hand you come in my life all beautiful, perfect, cute and you totally turn my world upside down making me fucking addicted to you overnight! And I know that you are scared too, I swear I'm not trying to be selfish and victimize myself. I know it is also hard on you, I'm sorry I even suggested that. You don't have to accept. Just know that I will never use you and abandon you. I really really like you Jungkook. I know it sounded way worse than intended. It was super clumsy to even suggest-"

"Shhh..." Jungkook tries to comfort the panicking male as he cups his face and caresses his cheeks.

"Calm down... I get it. The situation is complicated. I didn't know and I'm so sorry for that. I'll wait. It's okay. W-we... We can do as you said if it can help you release some stress okay? Whatever helps you." Jungkook says now totally saddened by Taehyung's rough situation.

He is taken aback by such a revelation. He did not expect Taehyung to be going through so much. The elder actually hides his feelings with such a professionalism. No one would've guessed. Not Jungkook at least.

Speaking of whom, is it bad that he does absolutely hate seeing his ultimate crush in difficult times? To the point he's already willing to make him his priority and forget about his own feelings? Have I mentioned that Jungkook's heart was weak? Well let me add that he is most definitely one of the most selfless people in the world. Especially when it comes to the ones who figure in his heart.

He'd do anything if it means that they'll be happy. However... One would be tempted to ask...

Is it worth it?

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