33. Harsh

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Taehyung is aggressively typing on his laptop. He's been working from home lately since he has to take care of his children, accompany them to the grief counsellor (as well as the psychiatrist for Nayeon). He got to make sure that Nayeon takes her medication and that Taemin's mental state stabilizes. The therapists said that a stay in a mental institution was not necessary for the elder; she just needed a treatment, frequent therapies and discipline. It seems to be working so far because the young girl is making a lot of efforts to improve her condition.

As for the youngest, he's going to sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy where he met some other children who also struggle. When his father asked him how he felt about it, the young boy told him he was relieved that some people could understand and accept him. He felt like he belonged somewhere and made a lot of friends which makes him look forward to the next session.

Of course, Taehyung is overjoyed to see that his children are getting better, it warms a part of his freezing heart. But on the other hand, he can't help but feel down. Because he lost the love of his life, twice. He always thought that after Irene's death, being alone with the kids would be more than enough; that they wouldn't need anyone else. His parents and best friends were more than enough.

But that was before the arrival of this 178 centimeters tall fluffy goofball. He came into his life and turned everything upside down without even realizing. He made Taehyung aware that he had been lying to himself all along. Jungkook was the missing piece of the puzzle. And Taehyung failed to notice it until the younger left, passing the front door of his house with an ultimate glance full of tears and pain. In spite of what everyone keeps telling him, Taehyung will never forgive himself for lacking the strength to overcome his trauma when he should have. It prevented him from making the right decisions. As his mind keeps wandering in the depths of his broken yet vivid memories, his eyes close slowly.

How could I let him go so easily? Is what he thinks before everything goes black.
















Taehyung's eyes flutter open as the delicious smell of sugar fills his nose. He feels so warm and comfortable. Who put him on his bed? He is a hundred percent sure that he fell asleep on his desk while working. He hears some noise in the kitchen; more precisely some clinking and slight crackling as well as a sweet voice humming quietly. So he goes down the stairs and walks towards the kitchen. His eyes widen. This voice- he cant' be mistaken. It belongs to his boyfriend. Or should he call him his ex now? He doesn't even want to think about it. He fastens his pace and enters the kitchen to see a brunette who's back is facing him. He seems to be cooking. It smells divine. But what smells even better is the scent of the younger's perfume; a mix of vanilla, jasmine with a glimpse of musk.

"J-Jungkook?" Taehyung croaks.

He can't believe his eyes. He just wants the younger to turn around so he can see his beautiful face, he missed it so much. The mentioned male slightly jumps at the deep voice calling his name.

"O-oh! You finally woke up. I-I still have the spare key a-and when I got in you were sleeping. S-so I thought I could prepare dinner to help you out... I-I know you made it clear that I wasn't welcome here anymore but I just missed you so much. I'm so sorr-"

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