20. The Date

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Jungkook is currently doing the dishes while Taehyung is cleaning the kitchen.

"Baby boy...Wanna go on a date tonight?" The latter asks while back hugging his boyfriend.

"Why not? I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. I miss you..." The younger sighs gently as he leans on Taehyung's touch.

"Aww I'm so sorry baby. I try my best to be there for everyone." The older says apologetically.

Jungkook turns around and cups Taehyung's cheeks after wiping his hands dry on a cloth.

"Hey that's alright. You're a perfect dad and boyfriend." Jungkook hugs him tight.

"Thank you so much love. Did I mention how much I love you?"

"Hmm... Only a couple billion times. Still not enough though." Jungkook teases.

"Oh really? Okay then!"

Taehyung peppers Jungkook's body with kisses while saying tons of 'I love you's. The younger bursts out laughing because it tickles.

"Erm... Excuse me but Dad.. Can you come and help me do my homework please?" Nayeon asks.

"Okay sweetie." Taehyung says.

He pecks Jungkook then walks away to help his daughter. The younger suddenly feels alone.

So alone...


"Aww look at those bunnies Chim! Aren't they adorable?? They remind me of-" Yoongi stops before he utters the forbidden name in presence of Jimin.

The two are currently at the pet shop, looking for some pet they can cuddle and give loads of love to.

The latter sighs and looks at Yoongi.

"You can't help it can you? Are you like... Secretly in love with him or something?" Jimin asks irritably.

"Ew, no. The fuck? I'm not and you know it."

"Don't act like he's actually ugly."

"I never said he was. Sure he's hot and cute and all but it's you I'm in love with. Plus I could never picture myself with another bottom. He's just my friend and the truth is that I simply miss him. Don't you?"

"No. Because ever since we stopped being friends, my life has been going for the better. I've got a boyfriend, I made new friends and I even got a raise." Jimin says.

"Hyung. Why can't you just move on like I did? Why do you still cling to the past... To him? Maybe-"

"Jimin calm down okay? There is nothing I feel for Jungkook other than pure sympathy because he used to be a great friend to me. Sure he messed up. He hurt you but I think you were also a bit harsh-"

"What?? Why do you keep defending him?"

"You know what? Let it down. Let's just move on and not talk about him ever. I don't feel like arguing." Yoongi says.

Both go quiet.

"Jimin? Earlier you mentioned that you got a raise..?"


"I was thinking maybe you'd like a ride too..?"


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