7. Advice

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Jin and Hoseok are drinking some tea in the kitchen as the little ones are sleeping in their respective bedrooms. It's actually midnight and both of them could only guess that Taehyung's date went super well considering that he's still not home.

"Sooo what do you think he's doing? Taehyung is usually not a night owl." Hoseok chuckles.

"Well I'm not sure, maybe he's having so much fun that he's forgetting about time." Seokjin suggests.

"Or maybe he's fucking that girl's brains out..." Hoseok then says.

Just as he finishes his sentence, the front door opens and closes. Taehyung later appears in the kitchen.

"Speak of the devil." Seokjin smiles.

"So how'd it go?" They ask at the same time.

"Well... That was very... Intense for a first date." Taehyung answers truthfully.

"OMG so you guys DID fuck!" Hoseok jumps as he sees some light scratches on the back of Taehyung's neck.

"Quiet, bitch. The kids are sleeping." Jin scolds.

"First of all guys, I have something to announce."

Taehyung inhales and exhales before mustering the courage -not to announce the thing to his hyungs but more to accept it.

"Jungkook is actually a guy and I am pretty sure he turned me gay without any type of efforts." He finally sighs as he plops down onto a chair.

The hyungs did NOT expect such a plot twist. This is why they burst out laughing which makes Taehyung roll his eyes.

"Pheew oh my Gosh! Speaking of which Suckjin gimme my 100₩ back." Hoseok mocks.

"Fuck you Hoesuck." Jin mutters as he hands him the money.

"Okay so the date must've been pretty funny wasn't it?" Hoseok asks once he put the bills in his pocket.

"Well at first I was very, very confused, then disappointed. And Jungkook must've noticed because he suddenly looked like he was.. I don't know... Sad? So I calmed down because I felt guilty. I decided to get to know him in spite of everything and... See I don't regret it one bit. He's so.. Cute and nice, sweet, a little sassy. He's perfect. So... Yeah I was attracted and I think he was too..."

"I kinda see where this is going but meh... Go on." Seokjin says.

"So we did some small talk but the waiter kept looking at him and flirting with him. I don't even know what went wrong with me 'cause I started getting all possessive and impulsive and shit... I kissed him to hint at the waiter that it was his cue to get lost. At first it didn't work because that bastard was so stubborn. So I ended up saying that I was Jungkook's boyfriend. And man. From that point, shit went down."

Both of his friends are completely immersed in the story. They want Taehyung to confirm their theories.

"The way he looked at me with those eyes, those lips... Fuck my body automatically reached for him. We ended up making out and got kicked out. So we ended up in a hotel room and yeah... I don't need to explain the details, y'all know the drill." Taehyung mutters.

"Yeah so you guys did fuck. And what now? Are you boyfriends?" Hoseok asks.

"In fact that's the problem. It was so good for both of us. But right now I'm not feeling all that boyfriend shit because you know... All of this is new to me, I'm afraid of falling in love again and it is most importantly about the kids. I think it's going to be hard to tell them: 'appa is now gay and you will have another dad.' You know what I mean? I have to get them prepared and talk about it to them." He explains receiving understanding nods in return.

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