T w e l v e

13 2 0

~ L e v i ~

For some reason, I couldn't sleep.

I turned and tossed around until midnight, yet I wasn't feeling sleepy.

Deep inside, I knew that... she was the reason.

She sleeping in the room which once belonged to Hannah - who wasn't alive anymore - bothered me somehow.

I shook my head.

No more negative thoughts.

Suddenly, I felt thirsty, so I dragged myself out of the bed to drink water from the kitchen, and then my gaze fell upon Asher lying on the bed across from mine.

It was at moments like these that I envied his ability to sleep soundly without any worldly worries.

I reached the kitchen, and I was about to switch the lights on, but then... I heard some movement.

I gulped and clenched my fists while being on guard.

The sound had come from the refrigerator area, so I moved towards that direction. I didn't stop my steps until I saw the reason behind that strange noise - It looked like a male.

I didn't think twice before tackling him to the floor and punching him.

"That's for breaking into my house," I panted as I pinned him down.

"I am sorry!" Came his voice.

The light was switched on suddenly, and then I saw Elsa along with all my brothers except for Asher.

Seems like someone is hibernating. . .

Joshua hopped into the scene, "Oh my God! Are you, are you a thief?"

I rolled my eyes, "Why else would he be at our house now?" I turned to the thief whose face was now visible, "Does this place look like a duty-free shopping mall to you?"

Seth kneeled and examined the young guy who looked not more than 20, "What's your name?"

Is this how a normal family reacts in this type of situation?

"I-I'm Samuel," He coughed, and I released him because I knew that he won't be able to get away.

"You are stealing while keeping such a good prophet's name?" Joshua shook his head in disgust.

Elsa stepped forward, "Are you alright?"

I was about to say that I'm fine but guess what? The question was directed to none other than our respected Mr. Samuel.

Seth answered for her, "He's got a slight injury on face, but nothing looks serious, though."

"What were you doing here?" asked Dennis, speaking for the first time in a decade.

"I was," Samuel sat up straight, "hungry."

Suddenly I felt bad, as did everybody in the kitchen. The room was filled with silence.

"Oh," Elsa moved towards him, "uhm then, firstly we'll clean the wounds and after that I'll fix you a sandwich, ok?"

I looked at her in amusement. The good kind of amusement.

For some reason, after hearing that, I didn't feel bad for him anymore.

On the other hand, Samuel's face was full of surprise and gratitude.

Seth brought the first-aid box as per Elsa's request.

Without wasting time, she took some cotton from the box, soaked it in antiseptic liquid, and started to cleanse his wounds on the face.

I didn't like the look of adoration he was giving her in their close proximity.

"That's it, I'll do the rest," I looked at her, "He might be starving, so would you mind preparing something for our guest?"

Even though she seemed confused , she still agreed and left.

I soaked the cotton and pressed it against his wound while he hissed in pain.

"Oh my bad," I pretended to look sorry.



"Is it good?" Elsa asked hopefully.

"Really good," Samuel gave her an appreciative look and took another bite of the sandwich.

After he had finally finished eating and complimenting her cooking skills, he started to narrate his story.

"My father brought me up after my mother's death. He wasn't a good father. He used to drink and beat me up whenever he felt like, and fortunately, he passed away last month from lung cancer, but unfortunately, I have no source of income now. He didn't permit me to go to school, so nobody was ready to hire an uneducated guy like me. I couldn't handle the hunger anymore... that's why - "

"It's okay, Samuel," Elsa patted his shoulder comfortingly, "but that doesn't allow you to steal from anyone. Look at you, a young and healthy guy like you will surely be hired somewhere." Her eyes lit up as if an idea had struck her, "Will you be loyal in your work if I give you a job?"

He nodded quickly, "I promise I will."

"Perfect!" She smiled, "then I'll get you a job at my aunt's shopping mart."

His eyes filled up with happy tears, "Really?! I'm so thankful, Elsa! I really am."

Was she really gonna hire a stranger just like that?

After Elsa had promised him a job opportunity, Samuel bid us goodbye and planned to meet her soon.

Making sure that there were no more thieves in our house, I stood in front of everybody.

"So, anybody wants to explain why the front door wasn't locked before sleeping?"

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