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Jace's point of view-
(current time)
*The song adds to the chapter*

Today hasn't been very eventful or amusing, we just laid around like usual.

Now it's about 8 p.m, and Leo had decided to come over a while ago. Me and him are just chatting in the living room, Elizabeth sitting on my lap on her phone. Ri couldn't come because her mom was being "strict".

"So how are you even going to explain your absences to the principal?" Leo asks, Elizabeth immediately sighs at the topic.

"Who even fucking knows, I will take care of it though" I shrug and Elizabeth adjusts on my lap a few times.

After a few minutes, she gets up and I watch her go upstairs but I just shrug it off, and continue talking with Leo.


An hour later, I finally decide to go upstairs and check on her. Leo didn't mind so he just left the house. I walk upstairs and into my room.

"Elizabeth?" I look around, but she wasn't in the bathroom or my room.

I look over, and watch as my the curtain blows, the window is open.

I walk over and crawl out the window, sure enough she is sitting there. Her head resting on her knees.

"Princess?" I ask, coming up next to her and sitting down.

"What's wrong?" I say, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. She just sniffles.

"I just wish I knew where she went" She sighs, shaking her head.

"I know, we can find her" I suggest, my hand falling to her shoulder. I want to tell her that I will find her mom, but I can't make that a promise. Because nobody knows where she went. nobody.

"You know," She starts with a hesitant voice, "My dad, he kicked me out." She admits, finally looking back at me. Her eyes are red like she has been crying.

As much as I want to be pissed off for her lying, I pull her into a hug. She is already crying, I would feel horrible for yelling.

After a few minutes, I can feel my neck wetting with her tears. I just sigh and look at the stars.

"She isn't gone forever, she will come back for you. I know it" I whisper.

"I hope" She replies.

"I really hope"


I ended up having to text Ri, because in all honesty I didn't know what to do. Ri said that I should just take her on a little date the next day to cheer her up.

Today is now the day (the next day) that I will be taking her. I don't really know where, I think I might just take her to the bookshop and cafe.

"Are you almost ready?" I complain, laying back on the bed.

"Yes, I just had to fix my hair" She says, walking into the room with a small smile.

"So where are you taking me?" She says, grabbing my hand and pulling me up from the bed.

"It's a surprise" I say, grabbing my keys. We go downstairs and into the living room, where mom is.

"Ooo, where are you guys off too?" She says, eyeing up Elizabeth's sundress.

"It's a surprise" I tell her, and she nods letting us know we can go. We walk out the door and too my car.


After listening to Elizabeth sing her heart out, we finally pull into the Bookstore parking area. I turn the keys, and we both get out of the car.

"Bookstore?" She smiles, connecting her hand with mine as we walk in.

"Good afternoon" An old lady at the front smiles, i'm assuming she works here or owns it.

"Good afternoon" Elizabeth says back, then pulls my hand to her favorite section.

We go through about 5 rows of bookshelves before she finds about three she wanted.

"Is that all?" I ask, and she nods, Her smile is still wide.

We walk up to the cash register and set the books down.

"Will this be it for you two?" The old lady asks, ringing up the books.

"yup" Elizabeth smiles, opening her purse. Before she can even grab anything, I hand the lady twenty five dollars.

"Alrighty dears, have a good day" The lady says, handing Elizabeth the bag. We both walk out of the store hand-in-hand.

"You didn't have to get me these, you know?" Elizabeth says, peeking in the bag.

"Too late" I smile, crossing the crosswalk.

"Where are we off to now?" Elizabeth asks, and I point to the best cafe in town, which happens to be right in front of us.

"Oh my god Jace, you best believe i'm paying this time" She laughs, and follows me to the doors.

"Whatever you say" I raise my eyebrows, and she just laughs and shakes her head.

We walk in the cafe and find a table in the back, sitting down.

After waiting a few minutes and looking over the menu, a waiter finally came up to us.

"Hey guys, what can I get for ya today" He says, getting his pen ready to write down our orders.

Elizabeth looks down and scabs the menu one more time, the sun hitting her face. She looks back up at the waiter with a smile, almost like she is second guessing what she wanted the first time.

"I'm gonna have the macaron platter, and an iced matcha" She says, then looks over at me. The waiter writes down her order then looks at me.

"umm-" I start and look down at the menu, I never really come here so I don't know my options.

After a few minutes, I just decide I will get what Elizabeth got. If i don't like it she can just have mine.

"I will just take the same thing she got" I say to the waiter, and he nods.

"Ok guys, that will be right out" He smiles, then walks away.


After a few minutes of sitting and chatting, the waiter finally comes back with our stuff.

He sets two plates of macarons in front of me and Elizabeth, then our drinks.

"Just let me know if you guys need anything else" He says, and walks away.

Elizabeth immediately digs into her macarons, a grin plastered onto her face.

I've had macarons before, but i've never tried "matcha"?

I eat one of my macarons first, then hesitate to take a sip of the matcha.

"Have you ever had it?" Elizabeth asks, and I look at her.

"No" I shake my head and chuckle, adjusting my rings.

"It's sooo good, I promise you will like it" She says, and takes a sip of hers. I shrug and take a sip of mine, surprisingly it's not that bad.

I take a few more sips, and nod my head, showing her I like it.

"Knew it" She laughs, and I shake my head.


We walk out of the cafe, Elizabeth is still shaking her head because I demanded that I would pay. Literally,  She wanted to pay so badly.

sweet girl.

My sweet girl.

"Well, thank you" She smiles, walking to the passenger side door of the car, I walk to the driver side.

"Your welcome princess" I shrug, and we get in.

I'm just happy that I made her happy.

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