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Jace's point of view-
(Current time, one month later)

Today is the day of the court hearing, me against the drunk diver who put me into the coma.

I sigh looking over to Elizabeth, She is fixing her dress in the mirror.

"I don't feel like doing this dumb shit" I say, making her look at me through the mirror.

"I know, but it shouldn't be too long. Want me to help you with your tie?" She asks, and I nod and sit up.

She walks over, standing in between my legs. She ties it, and gives me a quick kiss.

"Ok, are you ready?" She asks, grabbing my keys and handing them to me.

"Yeah, let's just get this shit over with" I say as we walk downstairs.


"Today we are here regarding the case of Jace Aldine and Emit Sanglo." The judge speaks to the court room, I look over at the other side to the asshole who is responsible for all this shit.

Fuck, I don't even need a whole court hearing for this, just give me a few minutes with him outside.

"Ok, Jace you may step up and explain your side" The judge says, I stand up and walk up to the microphone.

"It was about 12:00 p.m, and I was taking my motorcycle to my friends house. Whenever I looked up from checking my gas tank, headlights swerved towards me, and hit me. I had multiple injuries and broken bones, and the hit led me to a six week coma." I say, earning a few pitiful looks from all the gallery of people.

"Ok, you may sit down" The judge says, and I walk back over to the attorney my mom got for the case, sitting next to him.

"Emit, your side please" The judge says, and the asshole walks up to the microphone.

"It was just a normal night at the bar, I had a few drinks, but I was not drunk at all. I left the bar, and was on the highway to get back home. And out of nowhere the boy swerved into my lane and he hit my car, and my insurance won't cover it." The guy says.

Is he fucking dumb?

"Ok, you may sit." The judge says.

"Everybody please allow the jury to make a private decision, please allow yourselves a break." He says, making a bunch of people rise from there seats and leave the room.

I get up with Elizabeth and we go out to the hallway, and sit on a bench.

"So how are you feeling?" She asks, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"I don't know, but he sure did fucking lie." I say, and watch as mom walks over.

"Your doing great hun, just remember to keep this serious, ok? No fighting or swearing or anything like that." She says, and I nod my head.

"I know, mom" I sigh, seeing people start to go back to the room.  We all get up and head back in.

"After discussions with witnesses, the jury has decided that the person who is guilty..."


"Emit Sanglo." He says, making some people clap for me.

"Emit, due to drunk driving and the harm of others, you are sentenced to 10 years in prison. You also owe mr. Aldine 200,000 dollars, or else your sentence will further." He says, and police come out and handcuff Emit.

"It wasn't my fault!" Emit yells, staring me down, I just hold a smirk on my face to piss him off even more.

"He did it-" He yells, but gets taken away by the police.

"You are all free to leave, thank you" The judge says, making us all get up from our seats, before i could leave he waves me over to his seat.

"Hello Mr. Aldine, A transaction of 200,000 dollars with go into your account sometime this week, congratulations also." He says, patting my shoulder.

"Thank you" I say, and he nods, waving me off.

I walk back over to my little crowd (Elizabeth, Mom, Leo and Ri) and we head out.


"Ok, it's all ready!" Mom says from the kitchen, making us all get up.

They all insisted we have a "congratulations" dinner, for winning the case. Mom decided to make one of my favorite meals, her homemade lasagna.

We all grab plates, and sit down at the table, starting to eat.

"So, What do you plan on doing with the money?" Leo asks, and I shrug my shoulders in a lie.

I know what I'm going to do with the money.

I know damn well.

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