chapter 9 - february 2014

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Meg pushed open the door to the girls' bathroom and rushed into the cubicle at the end, locking it behind her. She didn't have a lot of time before her next class, and she didn't want to be late. Mrs. Forester was a nightmare when students were late.

She was about to flush the toilet when the door opened, and the sound of a familiar name being spoken by an unmistakable voice reached her ears.

"Oh, yeah, Bobby gave it to me. I figured I'd wear it to keep him happy."

Fucking Hope Biala. Bobby's girlfriend. Meg paused, wrestling with the idea of staying to listen or getting out of there and getting to class.

"It's not really your style, babe."

Curiosity won out, because if there was any subject Meg was intensely interested in, it was the subject of Bobby McKenzie.

"Right? I'll wear it today, conveniently forget it tomorrow, and then come up with some excuse about losing it or something. You know."


Meg frowned. She wanted so badly to go out there and confront them, to say that if Hope didn't want whatever Bobby had given her, she would gladly take it off her hands. She, at least, would treasure it for the gift it was.

A cubicle door slammed shut as one of the girls closed it and flipped the lock behind her. There was silence for a few long, painful seconds, and Meg began to regret not leaving. It was too late now; she was committed, and for what? A couple lines about a gift, and having to listen to someone go pee?

"I might just break up with him and be done with it," Hope said, and Meg's eyes widened as she pressed her back up against the wall, making sure her feet were out of sight if someone were to glance under the door.

"Really?" the other girl asked. Meg was fairly certain it was Elisa Carter, Hope's constant companion. Together, the two were the most popular girls in school, sought after by all the boys and looked up to by all the girls. Except for Meg, who had secretly hated them both since the night of the Paisley Cuddle concert when they set their sights on Bobby.

"Yeah. I'm just getting kinda bored, you know? And he's kind of annoying. I feel like I have to make the first move every fucking time, and he's always surprised. He can't read signals for the life of him!"

Elisa laughed. "I thought the sex was good, though?"

Meg's breath caught in her throat, and she had to slap her hand over her mouth to keep herself from making a noise. She cursed herself for staying now. Of course, it made sense that he was having sex – she knew Gary was, having found condoms in his room once when she was sneaking around looking for something – but she didn't need to know about it. She would've much preferred to live in blissful ignorance.

Hope sighed deeply. "It's alright, I think? I mean, he's certainly enthusiastic. But he's inexperienced, and I'm kind of tired of teenage boys. I want a man!" There was a pause and a shuffling noise as if she was lifting herself up to sit on the counter before she continued. "Which reminds me, I might've met someone."

"Omigod, really?" Elisa squealed. "An older guy?"

"Yeah, a really hot one, too."

"Omigod, girl, details! Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I wanted to earlier, but Bobby was there. Anyway, his name is Carl, he's in second year of uni."

"Where'd you meet?"

Hope's next words were drowned out by the sound of the toilet flushing, and Meg couldn't help but roll her eyes. Asking a question and then immediately creating a noise that prevents one from hearing the response? Typical.

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