chapter 38 - june 2020

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Meg watched the rain as it fell in torrents from the sky, then looked down at her umbrella. It would be almost useless for keeping her dry, especially with the heavy winds. She had just finished work for the day and was standing under the overhang outside her office, waiting for her bus to appear before she left the protection of the building. She wasn't looking forward to the walk home from the bus stop.

Her phone vibrated in her purse, and she fished it out to find a text from Seb.

Seb: off work?

Meg: Yep

Instead of another text, her phone indicated an incoming call, which she quickly answered with a smile.


"Hey," came Seb's voice on the other end. "Just putting some records away, figured it was easier to call..."

"That's fine; what's up?"

"Just looking out the window and wondering how you're getting home. It's raining Dooms and Doomlets out there."

Meg paused. "'Dooms and Doomlets'?"

Seb chuckled. "Doom and her kittens. Instead of cats and dogs."

"Oh! Cute! But yeah, I'm not too keen on taking the bus. I might just get an Uber..."

"Why don't you come over? I can pick you up."

"Could you? What about the store?"

She could almost hear him shrugging through the phone, and she bit back a laugh.

"Nicky's here, and it's quiet. I don't think we're gonna get too many customers in this weather."

"I sure wouldn't want any cute girls coming in out of the rain," Meg replied with a playful tone in her voice, and Seb chuckled.

"I don't think Nicky would mind too much. You just stay put; I'll let him know I'm heading out and be there in a few."

"Great. Thanks, Seb."

The line went dead, and she put the phone away just as her bus rolled down the street toward her. She felt a pang of regret as she watched it pass by her stop, wondering if Bobby was on it. Immediately, she chided herself for the thought. Seb was the one she should be focusing on now.

Her phone buzzed again, and she frowned, wondering who it was this time. Chelsea, maybe?

She looked at the screen and gulped as she unlocked it.

Bobby: not on the bus today

Bobby: got an uber instead

Bobby: hope u get home safe

Meg sighed. It was as if thinking about him had conjured him up. She was typing up a quick response when another text came in.

Bobby: i had an idea for something we could do when you get home


That was unexpected. She felt guilty for not coming home right away, then felt guilty for feeling guilty.

You're going out with Seb. Your boyfriend, remember?

Or whatever he was. They hadn't actually discussed making things official, even though neither of them were seeing other people. Things were still moving along at a snail's pace, and they were both comfortable with that.

She shook her head and went back to typing her message.

Meg: Thanks! Actually heading to Seb's. Rain check?

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