chapter 47 - july 2020

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The next few evenings were spent going back and forth between Kassam's flat and the house as Meg helped Bobby move the rest of his things over. Gary continued to be unreasonable, refusing to listen to Meg's pleading or even to talk to Bobby at all. He simply stood in the hallway with his arms crossed, silently watching the two of them carry things out of Bobby's room, not lifting a finger of his own. When asked to help with heavier or more cumbersome items, he simply shrugged his shoulders and held up his bad wrist as an excuse.

When they finally carried the last of Bobby's boxes into Kassam's, Meg dropped onto the sofa in exhaustion.

"Thanks again, Kas," she said. "I don't know what we would've done without you."

"Not a problem," he replied, handing her a cider. "Happy to help."

"I'll start looking for a place on the weekend," Bobby said, accepting the craft beer Kassam handed him as he sat next to Meg, draping his arm over her shoulders. "I don't wanna impose any longer than I need to."

Kassam waved his hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it; I was thinking of getting a roommate anyway."

"You sure?"

He nodded. "Doesn't hurt to have another person around the place, and we've got different schedules, so I reckon we'd be out of each other's way for the most part."

"True. Thanks, mate, I appreciate it."

"Maybe I should find a place," Meg suggested. "If Gary's gonna be such a prick..."

"Ooh, that'd be fun!" Chelsea beamed. "I could help decorate! Or—oh! I could move in too! Roomies!"

Bobby shook his head. "Gary's your family, Mags. You should stick with it; you'll work things out eventually."

She frowned. "Why would I wanna stay there when you're not even welcome?"

"I'm sure it's only temporary. He'll get over it, and when he does, you'll be happy you stayed."

"Or maybe it's time I moved out on my own anyway instead of leeching off him. And then you could come over whenever you want."

It was on the tip of her tongue to suggest they move in together, but she knew he wouldn't go for it, as much as they both might want to. Despite living in the same house for the past year, it was too early in their relationship to make that leap. Or at least, early for him — she would be ready for it. At least, she thought she would be.

"I just don't think you should rush into something over this. Moving out is a big decision, and you'd have to buy all sorts of—"

"You think I don't know that? I'm not a child!"

"I'm not—" Bobby paused, looking flustered. He glanced over at Chelsea and Kassam, who seemed uncomfortable to be in the middle of the conversation. "Look, can we talk about this in private?"

Meg crossed her arms. "What do you need to say that you can't say in front of everyone?"

He sighed, holding out his hand and giving her a pleading look. "Please? Let's just discuss this..."

"Fine." She ignored the offered hand as she stood up and made her way to the guest bedroom — which apparently was going to be his permanent bedroom now. Dropping onto the bed, she took a sip from her cider as she waited for him to follow.

Bobby walked in silently and closed the door, then leaned against it instead of sitting next to her.

"I don't want to come between you and Gary," he said. "I never wanted that."

"So? It's not our fault he's being unreasonable and pigheaded."

"Family's important; we both know that... I don't want your relationship to be strained because of me."

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