chapter 50 - epilogue

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Bobby's ears perked up at the sound of Meg's voice calling from the bedroom. Three years together, and it still made his heart skip a beat.

"Have you seen my yellow blouse? The one you got me for my birthday?"

"In the laundry!" he yelled back, the corners of his lips turning up as he listened for her grumble of displeasure.

On his lap, a cat stirred, and he brushed his hand over its soft fur, causing a deep rumbling to come from its belly as it stretched across his legs.

"What's taking mum so long, huh, Catch?" Bobby crooned, but the cat's only response was to flick his ears and settle back down.

Two years earlier, when Gary sold the house to buy a place with Jen, he had begged Meg for custody of Thunder. He insisted that despite technically being Meg's cat, Thunder liked him better. After a few days of cajoling, Meg finally agreed, and on her next birthday, Bobby surprised her with another kitten. A light orangey-brown and cream kitten, and he was pumped when she let him name it Cattuccino — Catch for short. She had rolled her eyes at him, but he knew she secretly loved it. She couldn't hide the little smile and the little crinkle of her eyes that he loved so much.

Three years together, two of those in their own place after Meg was displaced from her former home. It wasn't always perfect, but it was always amazing. They had their fair share of arguments — usually over the little things, sometimes over larger things — but they were learning to communicate. And to be honest, he didn't mind the arguments so much because he knew what was coming after.

He still wondered sometimes how he'd overlooked her for so long, but they got there in the end, and that was all that mattered. They were healthy, happy, and utterly in love.

And, in Nan's words, it was time to make 'an honest woman' out of her. Bobby smiled as he stroked Cattuccino's fur. Nan had been saying that since they moved in together, and although he knew she was saying it in jest, he also knew she would be the most excited one when they finally tied the knot — perhaps even more excited than Meg and Bobby themselves...

Nah. Not possible.

Although he was nervous, he was finally ready. He'd waited long enough. It wasn't a question of whether or not she'd say no — he knew Meg loved him with all of her heart and that she would marry him in a heartbeat — but he wanted everything to be perfect first. The timing had to be just right. Because that's what Meg deserved, even if she didn't always think so herself.

Bobby still remembered the moment he knew he was going to marry her. They had just moved into their flat together, and while unpacking one of her boxes, he'd come across an old school notebook. He wasn't sure why she'd kept it, but as he flipped through it, one page caught his eye. On it, written in purple gel pen, was the name 'Meg McKenzie' scrawled all over. And it was enough. He knew that one day he would make it a reality.

He just didn't know when. He wanted to make a grand gesture, but he couldn't think of anything that was worthy enough for her. And he was also pretty sure she'd prefer something on a smaller scale; she was never one for being the centre of attention, something that often amused him. They were so different from each other.

Yes, he thought, something smaller would be better. Small and intimate, just the two of them. Walking along the boardwalk on the beach or watching the rain from their little balcony. Maybe get up early to take in a sunrise.

He considered baking the ring into a cupcake, but quickly thought better of it. Nan was giving him her own engagement ring, and it probably wasn't a good idea to put a vintage diamond ring in a cupcake.

"Are you ready to go?" Meg's voice broke into his thoughts, and he smiled up at her.

"Just waiting for you, Meggy Moo."

Cattuccino whined as Bobby shifted him off his legs so he could stand. Once on his feet, Bobby brushed the stray cat hairs off his black button-up shirt as Meg tutted.

"Your shirt's a mess!"

"Eh, it's alright."

"Hold on, let me get a lint roller."

Meg disappeared into the bedroom and reappeared soon after, bearing a lint roller. Bobby grinned, raising his arms to give her access as she rolled it down his shirt, her bottom lip tugged between her teeth. When she finished, he caught her in his arms before she could step away and brought his lips to hers.

"We don't have to go, do we?" he asked between kisses.

"Mm. Yes, we do," she replied, although her arms circled around his neck, in contrast to her words. "Of course we do."

"Okay, fine... but after..."

She moaned softly into his mouth as he pulled her body tight against his so she could feel the effect she had on him, then she pushed him away as she turned to grab her bag off the table.

"We need to get going, or else we'll never get there. And you know we'd be banned from Sunday dinners if we missed Nan's birthday party."

"Fiiine," Bobby said. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back towards him so he could kiss her one more time, this time on the tip of her nose. "I love you."

"I love you, too. So much."

"I know." He winked, and she laughed.

"Okay, but for real. We gotta go."

They pulled up in front of Nan's house in Chatham just behind Gary and Jen. Bobby smiled as Meg ran over to embrace a very pregnant Jen, expecting their first child.

"Well?" Gary clapped him on the back. "You gonna do it soon?"

"Huh?" Bobby asked, watching the two women chatting away as they walked towards the house. "Do what?"

"You gonna ask her?"

"Oh! Yeah. I think so. I hope so. Nan's giving me the ring today."

"Good. I'm well chuffed for you guys."

Bobby grinned. "She hasn't said yes yet, mate."

"She will," Gary replied seriously, nodding his head. "She will, no doubt."


The two men slowly approached the house, and instead of opening the front door, Gary turned back to Bobby and threw his arms around him.

"You're gonna be my brother," he said, his voice choked with emotion. "I can't wait."

Bobby smiled as he raised his own arms to circle the bulkier man.

"Mate. We've always been brothers."

The door opened and Nan poked her head out. "You two gonna make love to each other all day, or are you comin' in for dinner?"

They both laughed as they separated and turned to greet the matriarch of their family.

"Happy birthday, Nan!"

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