chapter 44 - june 2020

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"Meg!" Gary called up the stairs. "C'mon, we're ready to go!"

It was Sunday, less than forty-eight hours since Meg told Bobby she liked him... Not that she was counting the hours of her happiness, or anything. And now they were going to Nan's for Sunday brunch, and she was nervously pacing her bedroom floor, wondering if she should play hooky. Or ask Bobby not to come along. Because it was the first time they were going to be in public since that night, and she was sure that someone would notice the looks that would inevitably pass between them, the extra smiles, the blush that would no doubt paint her cheeks — possibly permanently.

"Leaving in five, with or without you!"

She crossed her room to glance in the mirror one more time, then picked up a makeup brush and swept a little extra colour across her cheeks. At least if anyone noticed, she could blame it on being heavy-handed with her makeup.

Finally satisfied, she grabbed her purse and phone and headed down the stairs.

When she reached the living room, she stopped up short at the sight of Gary coaxing the kitten into its carrier.

"You're bringing the cat?" she asked.

"We'll be gone all day! I don't want him to be lonely."

"He's alone every day when we're at work..."

"And yesterday I found all my socks in the hallway. He missed me!"

"I don't think—"

"Besides, Nan and Mum haven't met him yet. He needs to meet the rest of his family."

"I—Yeah, okay, whatever."

Meg continued out the front door, and her eyes quickly found Bobby leaning against the car door chatting with Jen. He didn't see her right away, but when Jen noticed her and gave her a little wave, Bobby looked over his shoulder. A smile lit up his face, and Meg knew there was a matching one on her own.

"Hey, guys," she said, trying to sound casual as she approached — willing her body not to follow its instincts, which were to stand beside Bobby and put her arm around his waist. "How's it going?"

"Great!" Jen beamed. "I've just been telling Bobby about a new feature I've been thinking about adding to my blog."

"Is that right?" Meg turned to Bobby with a smile.

"Yes!" Jen began repeating to Meg what she'd already told Bobby, and Meg politely listened, forcing herself to pay attention to the blonde rather than let her eyes follow Bobby as he walked around the car and slid into the backseat.

It wasn't long before Gary emerged from the house, cat carrier in hand, and they were on their way. The carrier was set on the backseat between Meg and Bobby, and she was relieved that it was there to serve as a barrier between them. Otherwise, she might have been tempted to reach out and take his hand in hers, or to slide over and rest her head on his shoulder.

Keeping things a secret was going to be harder than she thought.

Gary and Jen dominated most of the conversation during the half hour drive, which suited Meg just fine. It kept them occupied and prevented them from noticing that the pair in the backseat, while seemingly both on their phones, were giggling to themselves at all the same moments. Their texting conversations had once been short and to the point, but the last day had completely changed that.

Whenever there was a lull in the conversation taking place in the front seat, they would occupy themselves with teasing the kitten through the holes in the carrier, much to Gary's annoyance.

They finally reached Nan's flat, where they were greeted with her usual hugs, kisses, and pinched cheeks, and she was especially thrilled to meet the feline addition to their family. She scolded them when she learned they still hadn't settled on a name, giving them an ultimatum to come to an agreement before leaving her house or she'd christen him herself.

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