chapter 25 - august 2019

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It was the end of Meg's first week at her new job, and as the workday drew to a close, she couldn't help but watch the clock as it ticked slowly towards closing time. The week had gone well, but it was draining, and she was looking forward to a quiet night on the porch swing with a glass of wine and a book.

When it was finally time to leave, she packed up her desk and said goodnight to her new coworkers. The weather was nice, so when it was time to switch bus lines, she decided to walk the rest of the way – after sitting at a desk most of the week, she figured she could use the exercise. By the time she arrived home, she was warm and sweaty, so after dropping her purse at the bottom of the stairs, she headed to the kitchen in search of a glass of cold water.

She could hear the whir of a lawnmower, and as she refilled the ice cube tray, she looked out the window. There, pushing the mower through the grass, was Bobby – shirtless, his skin gleaming with sweat, the waistband of his boxers visible above his shorts. He wasn't as muscular as Gary or even Noah, but between the exercise and the way the sun reflected off his muscles, his body looked toned to perfection.

Oh, god.

Her mouth went dry as she watched, the ice cube tray forgotten, the water still streaming out of the tap.

Why does he have to be so fucking hot and so fucking unattainable? Why is this my life?

Meg leaned over the sink, resting her elbows on the counter and her head in her hands, completely enamoured with the sight in front of her. But all too soon, he finished the job—We need a bigger yard—and as he turned back towards the house, she quickly moved away from the window so he wouldn't see her watching.

She turned off the water and thrust the tray back into the freezer, then grabbed her almost-forgotten glass and ran out of the kitchen, picking up her purse on her way up the stairs to her room.

Thirstier than ever, she promptly gulped back the refreshing water. It helped, but at this point what she really needed was a shower – and a cold one, at that. She dropped her purse onto the bed, her phone tumbling out, and headed into her en-suite bathroom – the one perk of being the only girl in the house was that she got the lone bedroom with its own bathroom.

When she got out of the shower, tousling her hair with a towel, the notification light on her phone was flashing.

Chels: babe! ur first weeks done! lets celebrate!

Meg smiled. Chelsea would take any excuse to celebrate, no matter how big or small.

Meg: I'm kinda beat. Maybe tomorrow?

Chels: no fun! K and I were thinking bowling? and drinks?

Meg: Sounds fun but it's been a long week

Chels: K will be bummed!

Meg: He'll survive

Meg slid the phone into her back pocket on her way out of her room and down the stairs. It was her turn to make dinner, so she needed to get started. As she reached the first landing, the boys' bathroom door opened, and Bobby stepped out into the hall – in nothing but a towel. Her eyes widened and she inhaled sharply at the sight, making just enough noise to cause him to glance in her direction.


Her face immediately flamed with heat, and she didn't know where to look.

"Omigod!" she exclaimed, covering her eyes with her hands.

Bobby laughed. "Oh, c'mon, Megs, don't tell me after all these years of living with Gary, you've never seen a guy fresh out of the shower."


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