chapter 30 - october 2019

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"Happy birthday, Bobby!" Chelsea exclaimed as she entered the house and ran to give him a hug. Jake followed, closing the front door behind him and nodding hello to the others before shaking Bobby's hand in greeting.

It had been a couple weeks since the carnival, and because Bobby and Shannon both had birthdays in October, they decided to have a little get together at Gary's house. Nothing too big like when they were younger, just a few of each of their friends. While it might have felt weird to have both hers and Gary's friends together a few years earlier, now that they were all adults and Meg was around the guys more, it seemed almost natural that the two groups would start spending time together.

"Thanks, Chels," Bobby said with a smile as he released the blonde and turned to her date. "Thanks, Jake. Oh, you can bring that to the kitchen."

"Come, I'll show you where!" Chelsea grabbed Jake's free hand and pulled him towards the kitchen.

Meg got up from her seat on the couch and followed them.

"Can I get you guys a drink?" she asked.

"Just the usual, babe!" Chelsea replied, and Meg turned to Jake with a raised eyebrow.

"Tequila, if you have it. On the rocks."

"With lime?"

He nodded, and she grinned at him.

"Nice choice." She grabbed a couple glasses from the cupboard and filled them with ice, then nodded towards the containers Jake placed on the counter. "So, what'd you bring?"

"Ah, just a couple dips. Nothing special."

Chelsea rolled her eyes, then turned to Meg. "He's lying. His dips are fucking—pardon my French—amazing. Secret ingredients, yada yada. Trust me, you'll love 'em."

"Oh, interesting," Meg responded, looking with renewed interest at the containers. "I'm looking forward to trying them, whatever they are."

She handed the pair their drinks, and Jake smiled softly at her. "Thanks, Meg. I hope you don't mind that I came tonight; I thought it only fair that I bring something."

"Oh, no worries! You're welcome any time, especially if you plan on feeding us." She grinned. "Besides, who even knows how many people Bobby's invited."

"Hey, I resent that," Bobby said as he walked into the room. "I'll have you know that I restrained myself and only invited the neighbours on one side of the street – and the old lady the street over. Y'know, the one with all the cats?"

"Har-har," she replied, but she smiled up at him. "Shannon here yet?"

"Nope, but Hannah just showed up." He pulled a wine glass and highball glass from the cupboard as Chelsea and Jake returned to the living room with their drinks. "You didn't tell us she was dating Lottie Crawford."

Meg's brow furrowed, and she leaned against the counter. "I just met her for the first time at the carnival. I didn't realize you knew her."

"Really? She and Gary dated for a bit."

Her jaw dropped and her hand flew up to cover her mouth. "No way! Are you serious?"

Bobby grinned as he began mixing a sloe gin cocktail. "For once, yeah."

"Wow, I had no idea. That's awkward."

"Yep. I left them in the living room to hash out their past – apparently, she thought they were dating, he thought they were casual. And you know what Gary was like in his late teens."

"He slept with someone else?"

"Got it in one. And then she keyed his car."

Meg's eyes widened. "She's the one?"

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