chapter 20 - july 2019

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If Meg was trying to prove – either to herself or to Chelsea – that she was over Bobby McKenzie, she was doing a horrible job of it. She could have been using this new opportunity to get comfortable being around him and getting to know him as a friend, but the thought terrified her.

And so, she did what she did best – she ignored the problem. Or rather, she avoided it. By avoiding him.

In the mornings, she didn't leave her room until she was sure he was gone to work. In the evenings, she went out with Levi or one of the girls – pretending she didn't see Chelsea's knowing looks – and if nobody was available, she took her dinner upstairs to her room, hiding there until she knew the coast was clear.

She knew she couldn't keep it up forever, nor did she want to; she just... wasn't ready. It was too much of a shock to the system, and she needed to get used to the idea first. Or at least, that's what she told herself.

After a week, it was time for the big graduation party, so Meg slipped quietly out of the house and headed to Chelsea's to help get ready. She shot a quick text to Gary, reminding him what time he was expected to be there and confirming he would pick up beer on his way.

As soon as she stepped in the door, Chelsea accosted her with a list of things that needed to be done. The blonde girl was already working herself into a panic over the decorations, whether they would have enough for everyone to eat, and if there was enough room for everyone. Meg reassured her that they would get everything done in time, they had plenty, and there was definitely enough space. Chelsea's parents' house wasn't overly large, but it was a comfortable size for entertaining and had a decent-sized yard, so there was nothing to worry about.

Together they hung up streamers and balloons, set up the food and drinks table, and created a signature cocktail – a pink concoction that Chelsea came up with, which Meg had to admit was actually pretty good.

"You told Kassam what time to be here, right?" Chelsea asked as the two girls were in the kitchen putting together a charcuterie board.

"Yup. He'll be here."

"And he doesn't need anything special for the music? No speakers or fancy cords or anything? I'm always seeing people messing with cords."

"He's bringing everything he needs," Meg reassured her. "All he needs from you is a power socket."

Chelsea's eyes widened in horror. "I don't have one of those!"

Meg bit back a smile. "Yes, you do – he just needs to plug in an extension cord."

"Oh! Wait! Now I understand; silly me!" She was silent for a few moments before panic hit her features again. "What about the drinks! Do we have enough beer?"

"Gary promised to pick some up, remember?"

"Okay... wait, the cupcakes! Is someone picking those up?"

Meg shook her head, chuckling lightly. "No, when I called the bakery to confirm the pickup time, the lady said she had someone who could deliver. They should be here soon, I think."


Before Chelsea could come up with something else to ask about, the doorbell rang.

"Oh, that's probably the cupcakes now," Meg said. "I'll go get it."

"Okay!" Chelsea replied brightly.

Meg wiped her hands on her shorts as she moved towards the front door and reached for the door handle.

"Hey, thanks for—" She opened the door with a smile, only to stop short at the unexpected sight in front of her: Bobby McKenzie, leaning on the railing, holding a couple cardboard pastry boxes with a small smile on his face.

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