Chapter 8

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Jennie's Pov

I didn't wanna bother her, so I leaned my head on her shoulder when another couple got in, it was a long ride down, Lisa was on the top floor, Lisa put her phone back in her pocket and wrapped her arms around my shoulders and guided me to rest my head on her chest, I wrapped my hands around her waist.

The more people got in the elevator the less space I felt I had, I refused to let go of her but she didn't seem to mind judging by the way she tightened her arms around me and nuzzled my head, she ran a hand comforting up and down on my back, I never liked being in a cramped place with a lot of people and Lisa knew that I get claustrophobic.

"You okay?" Lisa whispered in my ear, her voice sending shivers down my back, I nodded and curled up more into her, I could feel myself suffocating but Lisa's presence helped, she could always make me feel safe but as blurred memories flashed through my eyes even her safe embrace couldn't stop the tremble that shook trough me, Lisa probably felt the change in my breathing, she held me tighter "You'll be okay, I'm here, just breathe I'm here, no one can hurt you" She whispered I nodded and willed myself to calm down.

I willed myself to believe her words, I was safe and no one can no longer hurt me. She moved my head to be buried in the crook of her neck, I loved her scent and the protectiveness radiating from her embrace.  

"This is our stop, excuse me," Lisa said. I detangled myself from her a little to be able to move but she still held my waist, I stared at the ground and let myself be guided by her hand on my waist. It was when we got out of the elevator I realized we weren't to the main level. I looked at her confused but she had her brows furrowed in concern.

"Are you okay, I know this isn't our stop but...I thought it be better to take the stairs or we can wait for the next elevator there will be fewer people there, are you okay though" She said as she tucked a stay hair behind my ear and caressed the shell of it, I smiled at her concern "Yeah I'm fine really, I thought It would change with time but It didn't, that's why I installed a personal elevator in my office"

She seemed to be in her thought when she pulled me by the stairs, she sat down on the first step and looked up to me "sit with me," I sat next to her, she shook her head and pulled me in her lap, I was surprised but I bit my lip not knowing where this was going "Nini, Um you know well did you ever talk to someone about what you told me about you know," she asked softly and delicately.

I shivered at the memories those words brought back, Lisa looked at me carefully but I could no longer focus on her, I could feel myself slip away into memories I long-buried, I did not know which one of them really broke me whether It was my childhood memories or the ones in my teenage years, I could hear Lisa calling me but she sounded distant and hallow I tried to hang on to her voice but it was slipping through my fingers.

His hand was on my neck, the arms of someone who was supposed to protect me.

His dirty lips on my neck, I shouldn't have fallen for his words, I was young and naive.

I never told anyone any of this except Lisa, my family knows the part about Josh but I never truly told them the reason I had wanted to move back to Seoul after I came back from NZ. Only Lisa knows, but she only knows about that, she doesn't know about Josh.

I could feel myself getting lost in my mind until I felt a tug on my neck, I bolted out of my memories and Tried to refocus my eyes on the woman next to me, but it was hard to see through the tears.

Once I was able to put my focus back on Lisa the first thing I noticed more Like felt was the jolt of her teeth against my neck.

Oh god.

-THAT WAY- JenLisa AU Where stories live. Discover now